Chapter 12: Here we go again...

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“Hey, Yoon.” I smiled as I tiptoed in through the door and shut it behind me.

“Hey Marls.” He smiled, but then his smile turned into a straight line. “I’m sorry, Marley. I was stupid. I’m sorry for being so cold. For making you end up in the damn alley.” He turned his eyes away from me.

“No, Yoon, don’t worry about it. At least I’m okay now.” I smiled and sat on the bed. “How are you?” I stroked his hair and smiled sadly.

“I guess I’m okay. Nothing too serious. Just a few broken ribs and a broken arm. And I have a concussion.” He scratched his head with the hand that wasn’t broken.

“But it’s all because of me.” He already opened his mouth to argue, but I just held out my finger and shook my head. “I was the one who told you to tell Han about Cha. If I would’ve thought that trough, you wouldn’t be here.” 

“How are you, sweetie?” He took my hand and crossed his fingers with mine.

“I’m okay.” I turned my eyes away, but then looked again at him and saw his distrustful face “No really, I am okay.” I tried to assure him. “Lee…” I sighed looking for words “He wouldn’t have hurt me.” I didn’t even convince myself.

“Are you sure about that? I mean, he already hurt you two times already…” He frowned.

“How do you know that?” What the hell? I never did tell anyone that he slapped me. “I never did-” He raised his hand and I shut up.

“You think Mi-Cha didn’t tell me while you were sleeping?” he was obviously mad for not even saying a word about it. “If someone hurts you – anyone – tell me. I don’t want you to have any secrets from me.” I nodded and bit my lip.

“When are you getting to leave?” I asked him, trying to shoo the embarrassment, or was it guilt, away. 

“They’ll probably let me out tomorrow or the day after that.” He smiled. Yoon sighed deeply as he put his hand on his ribs.

“Are you hurting?” I inquired wishing I was hurting instead of him. Two guys are already hurting because of me. Am I the grim reaper or something? 

He shook his head slowly, still making faces from the pain “No. I’m fine.”

“Don’t be afraid to tell me. I can see you’re hurting. I’ll call the nurses.” I stood up.

“What exactly are you going to say?” He looked at me scornfully. “It’s not like you can say anything.” I looked at him over the shoulder. I couldn’t believe he turned so cold again. He realized what he said “Baby, I didn’t mean it.” I just shook my head and headed to the door “Marley!” It was the last word I heard before I closed the door.

Psh. This guy. How can he be so perfect, yet so imperfect at the same time? Is there seriously a reason for him to hate me just because I can’t speak Korean? If that’s the case, then I should get pissed that he can’t speak Lithuanian or Russian. Thinking about those languages brings me back to my old days. To my old friends. To Adriana, Todd, Kyle, Lex. Yes. We all grew up in the same place and we all moved to America at the same time. Talk about sticking together, huh? It’s good remembering their names, their faces. Todd. Every girls dream. I wasn’t an exception. Hell no. How could I? He’s cute, playful, encouraging, dorky, a bit mean at times, but it’s beyond unimportant. His looks are what attracted most of the girls. Me too. I mean, how could he not attract me? He’s half Asian. He looks like a Korean, although he isn’t one and he has the most amazing blue eyes that make my heart melt every time I see them. Todd, I’ll never stop loving you. Even now, I miss you so much. Whenever he hugs me, or just touches me, I feel so happy, like I could start puking rainbows. Yoon has a bad influence on me. I have to admit it. He made me into a zombie. I don’t find anything funny anymore. I only manage to pull a fake smile, while inside, I’m crying.

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