Medic's fun room-Lemon- Insane reader

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Medic kept you in a completely white room, he called it his 'Fun room'. You lost count how long you've been in there, but you knew it had to be at least 2 months.

Medic kept you in there to study the psychological effects of isolation and sensory deprivation. He found that if you leave someone alone, in a completely white room, they tend to lose personal identity and go insane.

He also found that insanity was a big turn on for him. He would often sit at his computer, moaning your name, pleasuring himself to you, going insane. He finally got tired of his just watching you from a monitor and had to have you.

Medic unlocked the door and walked in. "Hallo Frau~" he stalked towards you "H-hi mast-mister, c-can ya-you h-hel-help m-m-me ge-get ou-out?" you stuttered due to not speaking for awhile and because you were losing your mind.

He grabbed your wrists and pinned them on the wall above your head, with one of his hands. His other hand roamed all over your body. " Listen to everyzhing I say and jou might get out" You started to laugh hysterically, which only turned Medic on even more. He began kissing, nipping, and bitting your neck. Your eyes went wide "H-hey, wa-what are ya-you do-doing?" He bit down on your neck hard causing you to yelp. "Shut up, frau". He bit your sweet spot, making you moan.

A string of moans left your mouth as his hand found its way to your crotch and began rubbing you through your pants. You bucked your hips unwillingly, Medic just chuckled against your neck. "Eager, are ve?"

He let go of you, backed up, and told you to strip. You striped from your completely white outfit. Once you finished, Medic went back to where he was originally standing "On jour knees" you complied. Medic unbuckled his belt and let it drop to the floor with a loud clang, making you jump. He soon unzipped his pants, freeing his throbbing member. "Now frau" he got a bit closer "Suck". You hesitantly grabbed his member and began pumping, earning you a grunt from Medic. Wanting to hear more, you took him in your mouth, earning you more grunts and groans for the German doctor. You circled his head with your tongue, Medic bucked his hips forcing you to take him back in. He was very close to climaxing but not wanting it to end, pushed you away.

He striped and pulled you up, pinning you back onto the wall. He moved your legs around his waist, positioning his pulsating erection in front of your entrance . He placed his head on your shoulder. "Zhis is going to feel so gut frau~" he whispered in your ear before slamming himself into you. You screamed in pain and pleasure as he pounded you, showing no mercy what so ever. His free hand went down past your stomach and started to play with your clit, you could've passed out from the overwhelming pleasure. He began to feel you constrict around him.

"Not so fast frau~" he pulled himself out. "P-pl-please~" he flipped you so your back was facing him, his hands on your shoulders "If jou insist~" he once again slammed into you. You moaned out loudly in pleasure. One of his hands went down to your breast and began fondling it, while the other made its way back to your clit.

His pounding became desperate and urgent, as if the urge to cum was unbearable. He felt you once again constrict around him but this time he didn't try to stop you. You came on his throbbing member, drooling because of the pleasure. Feeling you tighten around him pushed him over the edge, making him cum in you.

He pulled himself out of you. Dazed, you fell on the floor, still worked up. Medic came down from his high, grabbed his clothes, and went to the door. "Ve should do zhis again frau" he left and locked the door behind him, leaving you alone, stuck once again in his 'fun room'.
700 words
For REDfemHeavy87
Some research did get put into this lemon. The 'white room' is actually a real thing, it's just called 'white torture'.

Anyway, hope you liked it and keep requesting.

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