(LEMON)Werewolf! medic x easily scared! reader

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He was a strange man. You didnt know much about him, you just knew you liked him. You obviously couldnt tell him that, I mean how could you? You couldnt even speak to him in general. The only one who really knew you liked Medic, was Pyro. You know your secret was safe with him/her.

You woke up in the middle of the night to thrashing and smashing. You grabbed the baseball bat you kept under you bed and went to go check it out. Upon further investigation, you found the noise was coming from the medi-bay. Shaking, you made your way to the bay.

Frightened, you opened the door to see a dog-like creature, running around, bumping into the cabinets, causing things to fall and break. You unconsciously screamed. It saw you and ran towards you. You tried to run but it caught you before you could react.

"Pl-please do-dont hurt me"

"Ich vouldnt even zhink about it" you instantly recognized the voice


"Ja" He pulled you into the lab and seated you on the examination table, you began crying.

"W-what are y-you g-gonna do to me?" you said in between the sniffles and hiccups. He cupped your face with his soft paw, you flinched.

"Nozhing. I vould never do anyzhing to hurt the vone I-I I love"

He loves me?

"Jou probably dont haff zhe same feelings, I mean how could anyvone love a monstrosity such as meinself"

Your tears stopped falling and grabbed his arm "I- I love you too, I just didnt want to tell you because I thought you wouldnt feel the same way"

You soon felt his lips against yours, they were soft and sweet. During the kiss, he went back to his human form. You slowly pulled away from the kiss and noticed he was just in his boxers. You blushed and he was red in embarrassment.

You pulled him back into a kiss, his hands innocently rubbed your thighs, and you felt your lower regions get hot. His hand traveled a bit too high and you moaned in the kiss. He pulled away, once again red.

"Sorry he looked down ve can stop if joud like" Lust and love clouded your mind.

"Pl-please K-keep going" you spoke quietly.

Medic happily continued. He intentionally avoided the area you wanted him the most. Before you knew it, he had stripped you down to your panties. He moved from your lips to your neck, enjoying every sound that came out of you. Every little moan. Every squeak. Every shaky breath, drove him crazy. A bulge quickly developed in his boxers.

You couldnt take his teasing anymore.

"M-medic you said breathlessly please take me~"

He slowly pulled down your panties and took off his boxers. He slowly entered you, you screamed in pain and clung onto him. Once fully in you, he waited till you were ready. You rolled your hips and he slowly thrusted into you. Once the pain past, you were in pure bliss.

Medics hands and lips roamed all over your body. You loved every moment. Every peck. Every touch. Every thrust.

You moaned out his name, not caring if anyone heard. You were very close to releasing.

"M-medic, Ah~ Im close~"

"Mich, Ngh~ Auch liebe~"

You were at your limits and released on his member. You were a panting, sweat covered, mess but you loved every second.

Medic was close behind, with one final thrust, he threw his head back in pleasure and climaxed. He pulled out, picked you up, and carried you to his room, where he laid you down and held you in his arms. The two of you soon passed out in each others embrace.


617 words

Requested by tf2fanficmaniac

(A/N)- I'M BACK FAM! Who missed me? *waits* No one? ok ;-;

I'm happy finally being able to write on here again, 3 more stories coming out soon

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