"Ich Liebe Dich"- Fluff- injured reader

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You been working for Mann Co. for a long time. You knew everyone fairly well but there was one who no one, not even Spy, really knew. He was just known as the Medic, he was your team's healer. He was a mysterious man, who kept to himself.

You've had feeling for this mysterious man since the day you walked into the base. And from what Spy has told you, the day you came in, he changed. Before you couldn't even get a "Hello" out of him, but now, he still kept to himself and was very quiet, he would actually come out of his lab. He didn't just stay in there after battles.

You noticed that he would overheal and uber you more often than Heavy. He would get upset id you had even a single scratch on you after battles. He would do everything to keep you safe. He actually cared about you, not only because he was the medic, but because he really liked you.

You were in battle, fighting the enemy team's Scout, when you felt a sharp pain in your back. You fell, yelling for Medic. A pool of blood started forming around you as darkness started to consume you.

"Liebe!" was the last thing you heard before falling unconscious.

Hours went by and you still didn't wake up. Medic had done everything he could to keep you alive. He sat by your side for the rest of the day and night, quietly sobbing as he held your hand.

You slowly opened your eyes, your vision was blurry. Once your vision cleared, you realized you were in the medi-bay. Looking around, you saw Medic sleeping, holding your hand, his cheeks stained with tears. Blushing, you gently squeezed his hand. When he woke, his expression changed from sorrowful to overjoyed.

"(Y/N), schatz, jou're alvright!" he gently hugged you. Still blushing, you hugged back. Flushed with emotion, he looked at you.

"I-Ich liebe dich (Y/N), I-I love jou" you stared blankly at him, trying to comprehend what he said. He started to walk away, looking at the ground. You grabbed his hand and pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you too"

369 words

Requested by Salamancer69
Sorry it took so long and hope you like it.

Also I found that pic of Medic and thought it was Soo adorable, I had to share it with u guys.

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