(LEMON)Medic x depressed reader

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You sat there in your bed, weeping, holding a bloodied razor, your arm littered with scars and new cuts, your hand trembling. Blood dripped from your arm to the floor, soon making a sizable puddle. You felt that life was unfair and hated you for just existing. Nothing was working, no amount of love or medication would help. You just couldn't be happy, there was nothing to be happy about so what was the point of even living. Well, there was one thing, one special person in your life that made it worth living. Ah yes, this special man was your teams doctor.

Medic was actually very worried about you. He had seen the scars on your arms but didn't get the chance to ask you anything. You were very quiet and shy, so when ever your check ups were over, you'd quietly run out while his back was turned, because of this he had actually given you a nickname "maus" which is german for mouse. You loved it. The first time he called you that, he had to explain what it meant, but you smiled. You were happy.

You smiled a bit as you thought about him, sitting on your bed. You started to lose more and more blood and eventually passed out, falling onto the floor with a thud. Luckily medic was up and heard the thud. Curious, he went to go check it out.

"Frau? Are jou ok?" he asked quietly as he knocked on the door. When you didn't respond, he quietly entered your room. Gasping when he saw you on the floor, he quickly picked you up and ran you to his lab where he immediately started to stop your bleeding. Medic did everything in his power to save, putting you under the medigun as well as putting an iv of blood in you.

~Time skip to when you wake up~

Medic was with you the entire time holding your hand, he never left your side. He couldn't. He couldn't bare to leave you alone for a second.

You had woken up, groan a bit as you sat up, looking around. Medic heard you and smiled big, blushing as your eyes met. He got up and gently hugged you, telling you how happy he was that you were ok, tearing up a bit. You blushed and smiled a bit, hugging back gently. Medic looked at you and smiled more seeing you smiling and blushing. His face straightened "I'm sorry for everyzhing jou've been zhrough, I'm sorry for nicht being zhere for jou liebling" he apologized. "None of this is your fault medic" you told him "its my fault, I should be the one apologizing for making you worry... I should've used my pistol instead" you mumbled.

He frowned "Bitte don't talk like zhat. I don't know vhat I'd do vizhout jou". You gave him a confused expression "w-why do you care?" you asked. Medic didn't say anything for a second "It's better if I show jou" he said then gently kissed you. You blushed madly, slowly and shy kissing back. He smiled and held you close to him, pulling away after a while "ich liebe dich (Y/N)... I love jou" he repeated himself in English thinking you didn't know German. You were speechless, a blushing mess. At the moment you couldn't say any so you pulled him down and kissed him softly. After a while, you pulled away, he smiled and blushed "I'll take zhat as an 'I love jou too' " he said and chuckled softly. You smiled and nodded "yes medic, I l-love you too".

Medic smiled and brought you into another kiss to which you happily kissed back. You gently pulled him closer and Medic ended up on top of you, kissing you lovingly and passionately. He deepened the kiss, causing you to softly moan. He grinned and slowly kissed down to your neck, stripping you and himself without you noticing until he was in his boxers and you were in your panties. Medic gently ran his hands up and down your body, loving how you shivered under his touch.

He gently tugged on your panties "may I liebling?~" he asked in a sweet yet husky tone to which you nodded without thinking twice. Medic grinned and gently slipped off your panties and bra tossing them to the side, sitting there for a bit admiring your body. Even though you were a panting, blushing mess with beads of sweat dripping down your forehead, he looked at you like you were the most beautiful girl in the world.

Medic continued his work on you, kissing up and down your body, running his tongue over your buds. He slipped his hand down and slowly fingered you "my my~ look at how vet jou are liebe~" he commented, making you blush even more, moaning.

"Medic please~~" you quietly begged him. "Bitte was liebe?~" he asked and grinned, wanting to hear you beg for him to fuck you. You bucked your hips in need "please fuck me!~ I need you medic!~" You begged loudly. He grinned more and slid in, groaning loudly at your tightness "Mein got liebe!~ Joure so ficking tight!~" he moaned out. You in turned moaned loudly when he slid in, holding onto him in pleasure with a hint of pain because of his size. Medic noticed and thrusted slowly until he knew you were used to his size.

Once you got used to his size, you began fucking yourself onto him, moaning loudly. He chuckled huskily and held your hips then started pounding you deep and fast, not to mention hard. To tease you badly, he wouldn't let you cum. Just before you came, he'd slide out and move you into a different position. You quietly whined when he slid out, shaking from not cumming and he knew you were getting desperate to. He pounded you on the examination table, against the wall, on and bent you over his desk, practically everywhere in the lab.

When he slid out the last time, you whined loudly "Please medic!~" you begged "Please! I want to cum!~". He grinned at how he had you; trembling in need, clit throbbing for attention, nearly crying because he wasn't letting you cum. Medic slammed back in, pounding you harder than before "I suppose I haff teased jou enough liebling~" he said and finally let you cum. You moaned louder than ever and came hard on his cock, squirming and shaking in pleasure, arching your back. He put you down on your knees in front of him and made you open your mouth with your tongue out and jerked himself until he came in your mouth and accidently got it on your face, which you licked up after swallowing what landed in your mouth. He grinned and picked you up, cleaning you and himself up before heading into his room, where he held you and gently rubbed your back until you fell asleep.


1163 words

(A/N)- omfg, I'm sorry this took so fucking long to write, I'll try to have the next one done by next week or so. Anyway, I hope you liked it. This was also requested but I can't find the comment

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