"Meine kleine Prinzessin"-Fluff- abused child reader

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Thank you Salamancer69 for the drawing of Medic and me ^///^



'Good for nothing'

'Waste of air, space, and life'

'Poor excuse for a child'

This is what your parents called you while beating you senseless. That what they did all day, everyday, since you were 3. You didn't do anything to make them mad, something in them just snapped and they took their aggressions out on you. You often blamed yourself for the ruthless beating. Maybe you were bothering them too much, maybe you spilt you milk one too many times, maybe it was just because you were alive.

At the age of 10, you were done. You couldn't take it any more. You couldn't take the beating, the name calling, the overall abuse.

You ran away. Away from the devil's demons, you called mom and dad. From an inferno, you called life. From a hellhole, you called home. You ran and didn't look back.

Tired, dirty, and injured, you ended up in a place called Teufort. You begged on the streets for money and food, just enough to get by for the day.

One day you didn't make enough money to eat so you were forced to do something you never wanted to resort to doing. Stealing. You went into a store and took a breakfast bar. You were heading for the exit, you were going to make off with that delectable blueberry breakfast bar. Or so you thought. The store owner saw you take it and was running at you, yelling. You stood there, frozen in fear. He roughly grabbed your arm, pulling you up to his level, screaming at you. Suddenly, you felt someone else grab you and put you down. You looked and saw a man who seemed to be a doctor. He was yelling at the store owner in English and a different language you never heard before.

"She is a little girl, Schweinhund!"

"She was trying to steal from my store!"

"Can jou not see the condition she's in? Can jou not let her haff one measly breakfast bar? Jou are fighting over vhat? 50 cents?!" the man pulled out his wallet, took out a five dollar bill and threw it at the store owner "Here, now halt deine fresse". The store owner walked back to the register and put the money in it, not taking his eyes off of you and the other man. You looked at the man, still frozen in fear.

He calmed down and looked at you "hallo fräulein, please come vith mich. I vould like to talk to jou." He walked out and you followed him. He walked to a diner. "Vould jou like to haff breakfast vith mich?" You tried to talk but your voice failed you so you simply nodded. He walked in and sat at a table, you sat directly in front of him, still frightened. He let you order whatever you wanted, while he just ordered coffee. He watched in awe as you stuffed your mouth with delicious food. He could tell you hadn't had a proper meal in awhile. You looked up as he took a sip of coffee.

"How rude of mich, I haffen't introduced mein self. I'm zhe Medic, und vhat is jour name fräulein?" he asked in a sweet voice.


"It's nice to meet jou (Y/N), may I ask vhere jour parents are?"

"I-I ran a-away"

"May I ask vhy?"

"Because-because" you begin sobbing. Medic went over to you and knelt down

"Fraulein?" he said with a concerned tone. "(Y/N), fräulein, please don't cry. It hurts me to see a little girl as sweet as jou, crying" You wiped your tears.

"Because they didn't love me. They didn't care about me, they would be happy to see me dead." Medic wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm sorry fräulein" "Now I'm all alone" "Jour nicht alone, Ich vill take care of jou" I looked at him, with a smile "Really? You will?" "Ja und I vill make sure jou should be treated, like a Prinzessin" "Like a princess?" "Ja, meine kleine prinzessin"


684 words
Mein kleine prinzessin- my little princess
Fräulein- miss or young lady
Schweinhund- bastard or pig dog
halt deine fresse- shut the fuck up

Well this is my first and probably last child reader. Hope you liked it.

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