(FLUFF) His Nurse- Medic x student nurse reader

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His eyes

His lips

His accent

His mysteriousness

The cute way the curl on his forehead bounced when he talked about something he loved

You loved it all.

Youve been working with him, side by side for a while now. You saw him more as a mentor or teacher than a teammate. You werent exactly experienced in the field of medicine. Lucky for you, he was. He was the team's medic and you were his loyal nurse.... well more like student.

You had strong feelings for him, but because you felt he would never feel the same way, there was no way you were going to tell him. You thought he saw you as just a teammate, as just a nurse, as just a student. But you were much more than that in his eyes. You werent just a teammate, you were a friend.. You werent just a nurse, you were his nurse and no one elses, he was happy you came. You werent just a student, you were someone he could share his scientific discoveries with and he wished he could share much more with you. He had the same feeling for you, as you had for him.


You were helping Medic as he was working on his medi-gun, trying to make it build an uber fast and make it last longer. You handed him tool as he worked, you studied his features as he worked, getting lost in his handsome face. He noticed and chuckled a bit.

"Are jou alvright fraulien (y/n)?" You blushed

"I-Im ok you said shyly"

"Are jou sure? Jou seem a bit distracted" he said smiling as he worked.

You blushed even more. "I-Im fine" He stopped working and got close to you, causing you to turn as red as a tomato and look at the floor to try hiding it. He smiled sweetly before putting a finger under your chin, making you look at him. You stared into his icy blue grey eye, slowly inching closer and closer until you felt his lips on yours. You instantly kissed back, he wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You wished it would never end, but unfortunately the need for air forced you two to separate. He blushed and smiled.

"Ich liebe dich (y/n)"

"I love you too medic" You smiled and he pulled you back into a loving kiss.


399 words

(A/N)- SECOND ONE TONIGHT. Last one for tonight and 2 more coming maybe tomorrow.

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