"Mein~"-lemon- yandere Medic

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For a while now, you've been getting flowers and love notes from someone who refers to himself as 'M'. At first you thought it was sweet when gifts from him were delivered to your job but now, you started finding them on your kitchen table and on your bed. You lived alone and didn't have a special someone in your life.


(y/n) is so beautiful, perfect, and best of all, innocent. [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )] I love everything about her; her personality, her soft, (h/c) hair, her luscious lips, how peaceful she looks when she sleeps. The list goes on and on!

When I see her, I tend to get aroused and often pleasure myself to pictures of her. Oh how I wish I could make her mine.

She may not know me, but she soon will~

Normal POV

You were relaxing when you heard a knock at your front door so you got up and answered. It was an older man, he seemed to be a doctor of some sorts. His hair was black with grey hair on the sides of his face, showing his age, he had a small curl that rested on his forehead. He was rather handsome, a chiseled, stern face, with a jaw line so sharp, it could cut someone.

"Hallo frau~"

"Hel-" He quickly put a rag over your month and nose causing you to pass out.

He picked you up and carried you to his 'home', which was an abandoned factory. 'M' set you down on his bed and proceeded to tie your arms behind your back. He laid you down and waited for you to wake up.

~time skip~

You opened your eyes and found yourself in a strange place. You got up or at least tried to, your arms were crossed and tied behind your back. You eventually got up and looked for an exit, only to have hands grab your waist "vhere are jou going liebe?~" he held you close, his erection poking your ass. "Ve vere just about to haff some fun" his hand roamed all over your body.

"Please let me go" you began crying, not wanting to have 'fun' with him. "Bitte, don't cry, I don't vant to hurt jou, I only vant to make jou mein" he turned you around and wiped a tear "Yours?" "Ja" "What if I don't want-" he kissed you passionately and soon pulled away for air "I von't take no for an answer frau~" he said in a serious, husky voice. It was almost... sexy.

He began to kiss you again, wrapping his arms around you so you couldn't escape. He licked and nipped at your bottom lip, asking, no demanding entrance. You denied him. Not taking no for an answer, his hand went down and grabbed you ass, you gasped and he took this opportunity stick his tongue in and explore his new domain.

He backed you up to a wall and started to kiss down your jaw line to your neck as tears rolled down your face. "Jou do not need to cry frau. Vhen I'm finished, jou vill be begging for mich~" he continued kissing your neck, when he found your sweet spot, causing you to moan. Medic nipped and sucked on this spot until there was a purple love bite.

His kissing began to travel lower, down to your shirt. He ripped off your shirt "Ve von't be needing zhis~". He unclasped your bra and started fondling your breasts, you tried to hold in your moans as best as you could, to not give him the satisfaction. "Jou can't hide those moans from mich forever jou know~" he took one of your hardened nub in his mouth. He was right, you couldn't hide your moans.

He traveled lower and took off your pants "Ve von't be needing zhis either~". He began to rub you through your panties. "Jou so vet frau~" He took off your panties and slipped 2 fingers in "Practically begging me to fick jou right now~" He began thrusting his fingers in and out of you, causing you to moan loudly. You feel your climax approaching quickly.

"Ah.. I'm about to...~" he took his fingers out "Nein frau, I'm not letting jou haff zhat quite yet"

"Please~" you got down on your knees and begged like a needy little bitch "please... I need it~"

Medic picked you up and set you back on his bed and began to undress himself. You squirmed at the boiling heat in-between your legs. He got you up and untied you, knowing you weren't going to run because you now wanted this as much as he did.

Medic picked you up and you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He started grinding his throbbing member against your wanting entrance. You began bucking your hips, showing how desperate you were. "A bit needy, are ve?~" he positioned his pulsating manhood in front of your wet, desperate, womanhood. "I hope jour ready, liebe~" he whispered huskily in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

He slowly entered you, you moaned in both pleasure and agony, it was your first time. Tears began running down your face as he completely entered you. He kissed your tears and waited for you to adjust.

You rocked your hips to show you were ready and he slowly thrusted into you. You found yourself wanting, no needing more, you couldn't stand this slow speed for much longer.

"Go... faster... please~"

"Anyzhing for jou liebling~" He went faster until he was pounding you. You moaned in ecstasy and clawed at his back. He grunted and groaned in your ear at the lustful clawing. He hit your g-spot and you screamed in pleasure. Seeing this, he hit this spot over and over again, you could drool from the pleasure. His arms went to your knees and pulled them up, letting him go deeper. You felt your climax once again approaching.

"I'm..ah.. about to" you came on his member as he continued to pound you. He let himself go too, allowing himself cum in you. Both of your juices ran down his legs and on to the floor.

He finally pulled himself out of you, proud to have finally made you, his.


1051 words

Requested by Insanefangirl932

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