(LEMON) Jou vill be mein~ -lustful Medic x barely 18 reader

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You've been working at 2fort since you were 17, know you were just about to turn 18. The admin knew of your age but didn't care. As a scout, you ran back and forth between bases and managed to catch the eye of a certain German doctor. Now he knew he couldn't touch until your 18th and you used this to your advantage. Your day consisted of running around and often teasing the Medic. You didn't touch him, you didn't have to touch him to get him to the point of him having to leave the room, blushing madly and biting his lip.

He too would tease in a no-touchy manner, he would mainly use his deep, husky voice or his dark chuckle. He would often, unintentionally, talk provocative way that would just drive you crazy.

Luckily no one ever heard or saw the way you were with each other... or so you thought. Spy came up to you one day and confronted you about this, saying you were playing a dirty game with the medic and he wanted to help. (NO NOT IN THAT WAY)

Spy came up with the idea of on the night before your 18th, you would sleep in his room and once the clock stuck midnight, signaling your 18th, you and him would jump on the bed and fake moan as if you and Spy were doing the dirty. You happily agreed, you couldn't wait for it.


It was Medic's birthday, a day before your 18th birthday and you decided to have some fun with the doctor. As the cake was being severed, you grabbed a bit of frosting and ate it in a provocative manner. Medic blushed fiercely "Fräulein (y/n)! Ich need to speak vith jou in private" he said in a deep, not-having-it voice. You jumped and followed him to your room, silently. He closed the door behind you, you looked at the floor, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Jou know exactly vhat jou are doing Fräulein, vright?" he said in a husky voice. You bit your lip and nodded. "Ich just vant to know vone zhing... Vhy mich? I'm zhe oldest vone here, vhy not go after zhe scout or zhe engineer? Somevone younger"

You looked at him and smiled "because, I like my men how I like my wine..." he looked at you confused "...Aged" he blushed more. As you opened the door to leave, he grabbed your wrist "Jou vill be mein Fräulein~" he said in that deep, husky, lustfilled voice. He let you go and you walked you biting your lip. He was planning on "taking" you at midnight.


You were getting ready for bed when you heard a knock at your door, it was Spy. "Are 'ou ready for our plan mon ami?" you nodded and went to his room. You waited for the clock to say midnight before starting your plan. Medic was on his way to your room, he opened the door and didn't see you, then he started hearing a mysterious thumping noise. He walked towards it and found it was coming from spy's room. He got closer and started hearing moans, female moans. Medic ran to spy's room and barged in "She is mein, jou schweinehund!". You and Spy jumped off the bed laughing and fully clothed. Medic looked at you both confused and pissed "Vhat zhe fick is going on?" he hissed. You walked over to him, giggling and explained. Spy was laughing so hard, he was snorting. Medic was not very amused, you hugged him and apologized, giggling. He chuckled and picked you up, taking you to his lab. Spy just closed the door and hoped Medic wouldn't kill him.

When you got to his lab, he set, giggling you, on the examination table. "Jou zhought zhat vas very funny didn't jou?" you nodded and wiped a few tears from laughing so much. While you were laughing, Medic had grabbed some rope and 'forcefully' tied your hands behind your back. "Jou've had jour fun, now it's time for mein fun~" he chuckled darkly. You bite your lip and found yourself wet already.

Lemon starts now

Medic knew you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. He pulled you down to the floor, on your knees. Seeing you in this position made a bulge develop in his pants. You saw it and bit your lip, he chuckled again "Jou vant it, don't jou? Jou vant mich to fuck jou like zhe little schlampe jou are?~" you blushed and nodded. He smirked and got close "Earn it liebling~" he took off his belt and let it drop along with the rest of his clothes except for his boxers. He had his arms crossed over his broad chest waiting.

You got closer and took off his boxers with your teeth, his erection sprung up upon it's release. You looked at it in awe, he smiled "like vhat jou see?" you nodded "vhy don't jou haff a taste zhen" he got a bit closer. You licked him from base to tip, he didn't give you any reactions, you'd have to earn those too. You took him in and he sighed in relief. Looking down at you, taking him in like a good girl, only made him crave more. He bucked his hips, making you take even more in, surprisingly you could take it.

He started to get desperate to cum, he grabbed the sides of your face and held you there as he thrusted into your mouth. You kneeled there and took it, wanting to taste him. He finally gave you what you wanted and came in your mouth. He was panting and blushing, holding you there until you swallowed it all. Medic let you go and you smiled up at him, some of his cum dribbling down your chin and into your cleavage "mmm~ even yummier than I ever imagined~". He blushed and chuckled, picking you up and stripping you. You blushed as Medic eyed you up and down, he eventually bent you over the examination table. Softly palming your ass, he chuckle at how you squirmed under his touch.

Medic ran his fingers over your entrance causing you to softly moan. He chuckled more "look at how vet jou are liebling~ practically begging to be fucked~" he started to tease you with the tip, running it over your entrance and slipping it in and out every once in a while. You were moaning at everything he was doing to you.

"Pl-please Medic~" he smirked "bitte vhat Fräulein?~" he slipped it in again, you moaned loudly "Pl-please just fuck me!~" he chuckled "As jou vish liebling~" he gripped your hips and rammed into you, not letting you adjust to his size. You moaned like crazy, he smiled and continued ramming into you. Medic palmed your ass again, causing you to moan more, he noticed "Oh, jou like this, don't jou?~" you could only moan in response. Medic grunted and hit your g-spot, you arched your back "Th-there!~ There!~" you practically screamed. He got the message, pounding it at inhuman speeds.

You were nearing your end and Medic could tell, he pounded you as fast as he could. You screamed in pleasure as you came on his member, Medic came with you. He leaned over you, to your ear and in a husky voice said "Jou are mein, understood?~" you weakly nodded "gut~" he slowly slid out and untied you.


1251 words

(A/N)- dis one was nasty... I'm proud of it XD. Anyways, I hope you guys liked it. Later fam

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