I Read

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I walk alone, not really knowing where to go

But I've just decided to be normal, be a tourist I guess

I check things, here and there

But I still don't know, where to go

I walk alone as a tourist for a day, because I just needed a break. I look for shops and things I want. But I still kind of feel empty, not knowing where to go.

"Hm... this looks like a good store..." I walk pass by one, but I didn't bother to enter. I'm saving my money for the next country.

   "MISS" I heard someone approach behind me. I stiffened, STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER. "I GOT THESE FOR YOU"

   Huh, what? I turn around to see a boy looking at me as if he's about to cry. His eyes were just on me and... were they sparkling? And he was holding a bouquet of flowers.

   "Are you about... to cry?" I looked around at the people walking by. Even though I wasn't the one holding out the flowers, I was completely embarrassed. Gosh there were so much people.

   "It's just that... you're BEAUTIFUL" he hands me the flowers, "I'm Lukas Chulanot, your name?"

   "Alia Altin" I know it was not good to give your name to a stranger. But then oh well, he was pretty cute and immature. And I kind of knew him anyway, I think I met his brother, Phichit, once in a banquet after some skating competition my brother had won bronze in.

   "Nice to meet you Lukas" I shake his hand, and he just stares at it in admiration. "Hey, and can you bring me to your brother?"

   Lukas did as he was told. Other than that, on the way to Phichit's home rink, I got to know more about Lukas. He acted like he was in the same age like me, I saw Vun in him. But in reality Lukas was a year older than Jaeger, who's 16 by the way. 

   Other facts about Lukas, he likes the color green. He says he's never met anyone as beautiful than me except this 19 year old girl he saw in a GP banquet before. He likes hamsters. Lukas skates but not competitively. He likes drinking milk, a lot. And he likes to go to places.

"Ciao Ciao!" Phichit says as he tries to get his coach's attention, "I have someone to be my rink mate! Lukas found her in the marketplace!"

   Celestino Cialdini was a man with long brown-taupe hair that's pulled back into a ponytail, save for a shorter strand of hair that always sticks out. He also has sideburns. He has thick eyebrows and light green eyes. His face is very angular, and he has a square chin. "Who is it, Phichit?"

   I step forward, "I'm Alia Altin, nice to meet you"

"But I just thought that---"

   "No, Alia you shouldn't just follow the facts"

   "But I just thought---"

   "No, you should follow your heart, Al" Celestino says.

   "I've read that---" Look, I just wanted to prove my point that having the whole thing planned before actually doing it in practice was good. I just think that having everything planned out before actually doing it was best.

   "Did I say follow the books?" he asks.

   "But I have been depending on them and it has never failed me" I smiled up at home, "When in doubt, go to the library. I can say that I am always in doubt"

   "Well it won't work this time, you have been using too much of it" Celestino pats my back, "You should try it our way, people will see the difference, right Phichit?"

   "I think both of you got a point, Ciao Ciao" Phichit tilts his head.

   "But I still think that I should follow my way which I've been doing so for years"

   Celestino frowns, "No, it is best to follow what you feel" he gives me this advice.

   I smile up at him to see my perfect teeth, "But this is what I feel"

   "You guys won't last as a team" Phichit adds.

   Celestino shakes his head, "But maybe you can show a short program or a free skate and we'll see"

   "Okay, okay"

   I've decided to do Aria: Stay Close to me.

"Sento una voce che piange lontano

Anche tu, sei stato forse abbandonato?

Orsù finisco presto questo calice di vino

e inizio a prepararmi

Adesso fa' silenzio

Con una spada vorrei tagliare quelle gole che cantano d'amore
Vorrei serrare nel gelo le mani che scrivono quei versi d'ardente passione

Questa storia che senso non ha
Svanirà questa notte assieme alle stelle
Se potessi vederti dalla speranza nascerà l'eternità

Stammi vicino, non te ne andare
Ho paura di perderti

Le tue mani, le tue gambe,
le mie mani, le mie gambe,
e i battiti del cuore
si fondono tra loro

Partiamo insieme
Ora sono pronto"

   "How was that?" I ask.

   "That was AMAZING" Lukas really had to shout that out.

   "I recognize that as Viktor Nikiforov's" Celestino comments.

   Phichit piped up from behind, "It was fantastic, I took a lot of selfies while you were performing"

   "He loves taking pictures, and that means that you're performance was beautiful" Celestino informs me. "When did you learn that performance?"

   "Two days ago, I visited Russia to meet Yakov Feltsman" I say, "He asked Viktor to perform that, and also for me to imitate it the best I can. I only had one go, messed up the quadruple Flip, Yakov wasn't so pleased with me. So I came here to you guys, still looking for a coach"

   "But that was a good imitation of it"

   "Looks like you're not the only one, Al" Phichit shoves his phone to my face to show me a viral video. It was Yuuri Katsuki, and he was doing the exact same thing, Aria: Stay Close to me.

   "I have to catch a flight!" I remembered, "I'm so sorry guys, I know this is fast. But thank you Phichit for taking me here. And thank you Mr. Cialdino for your hospitality"

   "TAKE ME WITH YOU" Lukas pouted.

   "Where are you going?!" Phichit tries to ask as I exit.

   "KOREA" and I was already out in the busy streets of Bangkok.

Dear Brother,

   Like usual, I'm writing this letter in a coffee shop. Does it make the paper smell like coffee? Okay well, here's an update. I'm in Bangkok, Thailand. I met Phichit Chulanot and his younger brother, Lukas. But I'm about to leave for Korea now and watch EXO or BTS or something. But I know you'll karate chop my head and remind me of my priorities. So okay, I'll ignore my 'wants' as MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

   Well I will be buying a lot of clothes in Korea. Bro, you do know how much I love trench coats and scarfs. I'll try to get some for you too if my budget can handle it.



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