Then I Find Him

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"Woah" I gasped, I just arrived Hasetsu's train station. And I see this weird looking statue. It looked like a squid but well it didn't look like one in the same time. BUT it was picture worthy.

   "Hmm, now where's that skating rink...?" I stared at my phone as I walk to where the map showed the way to the icing rink. "It's so far" I pout.

Somehow I made it and I stomped in there--- "Ohayou!" someone greets me, I turn to look at a woman fixing some skates that you could rent. 

   "Hey to you too..." my smile faded, let's be real here. I do not understand Japanese. And I know I've been to like, Switzerland to Korea... and the only reason I got to talk to them fluently was because they talked to me in English.

   And now there's this Japanese woman here speaking her language to me and I don't understand. "Ikutsu ka no sukēto ga hitsuyōdesu ka?" I did not understand a word, but I saw her point to a pair of skates.

   What was 'no' in Japanese...? "Īe. Arigatō" I said as I looked for the rink side.

   "Matsu---" I pretended not to hear her, so that I wouldn't have to reply in Japanese.

   I skipped to the ice rink and got my skates on the fastest way I could. Since I was pretty used to it, "Finallyyy..."

   I glide in the ice in peace and--- of course nothing lasts forever. "AL"

   I turn to see Viktor with arms wide open, for a hug I guess. So I approached him for one, "VIKTOR---"

   "You sound like little toddlers it makes me puke" and Yuri Plisetsky just had to make a barfing action.

   "Then go puke someplace else" I snapped back, but then I turned to Viktor, "What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

   Viktor pouts, "Didn't you hear the news? I'M A COACH NOW"

   "But... of who?" I look around the rink. I see Yuri Plisetsky, I ignore. I see... "Rayven?"

   "Hey, Alia, right?" she skates towards me and shakes my hand.

   "Yes, Alia Altin" and Rayven's mouth was left gaped open.

   "Otabek" she muttered.

   "I'm going to coach YURI" Viktor pointed to a black haired, Japanese, guy in blue glasses.

   "OI" I point to a direction.

   The Japanese Yuri flinched and fell butt first on the ice, and he was stuttering too, "W-Watashi w-wa shimasendeshita"

   "Uhm, I'm..." I didn't know what to say, "Nani? English, dude. I'm Kazakh"

   Japanese Yuri gulped, "I-I'm sorry? I didn't do any---"

   I shook my head, "That's not what I meant sorry" I laughed, "I was supposed to be like..." I cleared my throat, "OI, KATSUKI YURI. CAN I HAVE YOUR SIGNATURE?"

   "Signature? Me?" Japanese Yuri pointed to himself skeptically.

   "But he blew his performance at the Grand Prix" Russian Yuri commented.

   "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, Yuri Plisetsky" then I turned back to Japanese Yuri, "Let me get paper and pen" I practically ran on the ice with my skates and got back as soon as possible.

   I even got Viktor and Rayven's signature, I never minded Russian Yuri again. "Can I have a picture too?!" and I didn't want Yuri Plisetsky's face on my gallery too, the same way I don't want him touching my pen.

"Taste it, it's heaven" Rayven pushed a bowl towards me, "It's pork cutlet bowl"

   "It's what?" I asked, I didn't understand. It was because of her Russian accent, I guess.

   "Pork cutlet bowl" Rayven repeated more slowly.

   "What?" I asked again.

   "Katsudon" Katsuki replied for Rayven.

   "Man, I said I don't understand Japanese, just a bit" I faced Rayven, "What did you say? Poik cutelit bow?"

   "PORK CUTLET BOWL" looks like Ray lost her temper, "DAMMIT. JUST LIKE YAKOV THE OTHER DAY" then she took a bite of her own meal and just forgot about me.

   I snickered, then I looked at my own bowl. "Is it that good?"

   "Just eat it" Russian Yuri grumbled and started eating too.

   I just rolled my eyes, and finally took a bite. "THE HELL IS THIS THING?!"

   "What did it taste like?" Katsuki suddenly thinks that I'm starting to get poisoned.

   "I LOVE THIS THING" I can imagine my eyes sparkling as I fell in love with Katsudon.

   Viktor laughed, he looked amused, "I remember when Rayven ate her first pork cutlet bowl, same reaction too"

   "No she almost choked herself, she kept shoving food into her mouth, she looked like a squirrel who dyed blonde---" Russia Yuri got hit at the back of his head by Rayven with a warning look.

   Rayven just glares at everyone, including me. But I still managed to laugh. "Re-really... is that... true?" I said between laughs.

   "How dare you" Rayven muttered.

   I just continue to laugh imagining the scenario, "I'm just... imagini---" I started coughing, "Uhm-- excuse me---"

   "Here" someone handed me a glass of water and I drank it and felt better.

   "Right, almost choked to death" I nodded to myself, "Thanks" I look up to discover who gave me the water, "YURI?!" PLISETSKY, HUH?!

   "What's your problem?" his face darkened.

   I cleared my throat, smiled, and took his hand and shook it even though he didn't want to, "Thank you so much for saving my life. Köp raqmet. Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita... what other language do I know? Merci. Daedanhi gamsahabnida---"

   "Welcome" he muttered.

   "Hey hey hey" I held my arms up for silence, "Did you just reply to me? Nicely?"

   "Well what can I say except, your welcome"




   "NO you said something"

   "I did? Yeah, I did"

   "Then what was it?"

   "Doesn't matter"

   "But---" Russian Yuri caught himself, he finally realized that other people were around. He huffed, yeah, he was irritated.

   "Warming up to me are you?" I asked.

   "Shut up"

   "Don't worry, Al" Viktor waved him off, "He's interested in what you just said, so that means he is---"

   "Yeah okay" I just continued to eat, but I had did-not-mean-to look and observe Yuri Plisetsky.

   Wait is he staring back at me. OMAYGOSH HE WAS.

    "Uh, hi...?" I said through the awkwardness I felt inside.

   And he smiled. Yes, Yuri Plisetsky and /smiled/ together in one sentence. Yuri Plisetsky /smiled/.

   "Can I watch your practices Viktor?" I look at him, "And Katsuki, can you help me look for Minako Okukawa?"

   They both agreed and I knew this was going to be a nice week or so.

dear otabek, its in the middle of the night so please dont mind my grammar mistakes because im so sleepy and full because i had pork cutlet bowl and it tasted like heaven if it had a taste and im enjoying here in japan even though its just the first day and im meeting with the coach tomorrow and stuff ill write to you i dont know when so bye bye     love al

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