The Cups

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"OTABEK WOOHOO" I jumped repeatedly by the rink side beside Seung Gil as my brother was already in position in the middle of the ice rink.

   "You're being too loud" Seung Gil scolded me with a growl, "Now people are staring"

   "I'm just being supportive!" I reasoned, "That's my brother---"

   "ALIA" I turned to see Lukas, "YOU'RE STILL AS PRETTY AS BEFORE"

   Seung Gil clicked his tongue, "He's just like you. No, he's better at it"

   "Why?" I muttered under my breath, "Want me to improve?"

   He shook his head and walked away as the Chulanot brothers approached me. "Hi, Al" Phichit waved at me.

   "Who's that guy?" Lukas said as his face darkened.

   I gulped, "Woah, Lukas, chill"

   "YEAH CALM DOWN" Phichit laughed at his brother as he patted his back hardly as well. "Rink mate?" Phichit asked while Lukas was still distracted with his back being hurt.

   "Yup" I nodded, "But I guess Lukas would get jelly. Seung Gil and I look alike a little bit, right?"

   "Yeah, I thought you were Asian before" Phichit said in agreement.

   "SO WHO IS THAT GUY?" Lukas came back to his senses.

   "My half brother"


   To think about it, Seung Gil was a half brother. He acted like a protective brother and a responsible rink mate too. Half brother and half rink mate.

Skate America was okay, Otabek won a place, he got silver? Anyway, I didn't bother with him since I had won my gold. I had performed '007 James Bond Medley' for my short program and 'The Firebird' for my free skate. And I would be performing the two programs 'till the Finals.

   "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed out loudly as I walked side by side Seung Gil and Otabek. I was holding out my gold medal to their faces too. I ranked higher than Otabek and Seung-gil didn't have a medal yet, I was having so much fun.

   Coach Min-so was just trailing behind us as she smiled at me showing off. But then she just left the three of us children alone.

   "So..." I started, "Otabek" I called out to him.

   "Hm?" that was his only reply.

   I put an arm around Seung Gil's, "This is Seung Gil, my rink mate--- EH WHAT" Otabek had just pulled me apart from my only rink mate.

   Seung Gil only stayed quiet... and did he just sigh in relief?

   "You people are MEAN"

"YU...RI... O---"

   "I am NOT YURIO" he practically yelled at me as I hid behind Seung Gil.

   "You can't stop me from talking!" I yelled back.

   Yurio growled, "I am not YURIO"

   "You are, asshole" I did have to mouth out the last part because there were cameras around us.

   "You bi---"

   "Cameras are around you, Yuri" Lilia scolded him, "Do not use improper words"

   Yurio grumbled and I laugh as he did so, he was still as adorable. 'I wish I could ask you what you think of me'

Skate Canada was pretty much the best cup I've been to, so far. Because... 1.) JJ Leroy beat my Yurio 2.) I got to hear 'The Theme of King JJ' and 3.) Seung Gil won a place.

I yawned as I walked around the rink side, "So... What were the results of the shorts?"

   "Nii-chan got the highest score" Juuzou replied. Who's the person I was talking to? Oh that's just Katsuki Juuzou, she's Yuuri's oh-so-awesome 19-year-old sister. Why is she awesome? Because she's part of the Japanese NAVY. And she used to compete in Swim Meets and actually wins. She's currently got more medals than Yuuri (even though Juuzou doesn't compete anymore).

   "So he'll be alright" I assumed with a sigh of relief, I had a bet with Phichit that Yuuri would get a medal in the finals.

   "But I don't know for today"

   "Today?" I looked at my phone to check the date, "What's with today?"

   Juuzou shook her head, "It's not because of today, because of yesterday"

   I gave her a confused look.

   "Yuuri isn't used to be the one to beat" she shrugged, "Like... look at his face!" Juuzou pointed to a direction, it was Viktor talking to Yuuri. "Come on" she ushered me to follow her, by grabbing the sleeve of my jacket.

   I see Yuuri's face with dark shading under his eye, "He's still going to perform, right?"

   The day ended not-so-well, because Phichit got the gold and was ahead of Yuuri. Oh no I'm gonna loose the bet. Anyways, if I won the bet... Phichit would buy me a month's supply of ice cream. If Phichit won a bet, I would have to bring Lukas on a date.

   "AL YOU WANNA GO OUT FOR ICE CREAM" Lukas ran to me...

   Hm... maybe loosing the bet would be okay.

"HAHAHA B---" Otabek covered my mouth as he gave me a look.

   "I was going to say BARCELONA HERE I COME" as I shoved my gold medal to his face.

   "Wow really"

Let me explain what just happened. The NHK Trophy just ended, and I won gold. Which gives me about 30 points. Which means I qualify for the GP finals. 





   Don't mind me, I just won.

I kissed him on the cheek, "Train hard" I reminded him.

   "Needs only" he replies, "And praey-oh-ree-tees" he said it slowly, eyeing Seung Gil.


   Otabek gave me one last glance and left.

   I sighed in relief, and I smiled at Seung Gil.

   "I'm guessing you want to check out the food here in the airport" he says bluntly.

   "You got that right!" I pushed him to one of the fast food chains.

   "Your brother will hear of this"

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