My Assignments

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"Mr. Feltsman!" I called out to him, luckily I managed to do so.

   And the second after, I did a quadruple flip. I received cheers from the people around me.

   "Kid" Yakov skated towards me, and took my hand and shook it. "You're welcomed, to join---"

   I faked a laugh, "Oh geez, I'm not here for you. I'm here for YURI"

   "Al" I heard someone approach me from behind, "Oi" I faced to see Yurio.

   "Yuri!" I skated towards him and grab his shoulders to brake myself, "Hey" I said ever so casually.

   "Alia?" Rayven, "Where's Otabek?" she seemed more excited to know where my brother was than to see me.

   "Ray, your phone's ringing!" Mila called out from the rinkside.

   Rayven faced me, "Nevermind" she said, and ran on her skates to Mila.

   Yurio only gave her a look that was unreadable, but I guess he was wondering who Otabek was.

   "If Otabek was a guy" I started, "would you stop Rayven?"

   "I would, I wouldn't want another guy near her" he replied.

   "Why? Did something happen to Rayven?"

   "We can talk someplace else" Yurio looked at his surroundings, probably watching out for Yakov.

Yurio and I ended up in the nearest coffee shop, since I wanted to drink coffee. "Hey, so what happened to your sister?"

   Yurio raised a brow, "You're interested?"

   "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, "And besides, I have a brother too. So I can understand him sometimes"

   "Well Rayven had this huge crush on her partner she skated with"

   "Doesn't she skate with you in every competition?" I look up to think, "Right?"

   "I gave up this season for my senior debut for the singles" Yurio reasoned, "I thought Ray would too, but she still insisted. She found a partner, Nikiforo---"

   "WAIT" I interfered, "Viktor broke her heart?"

   "WHAT--- NO" and everyone in the shop was looking at us, "Viktor's younger brother, Vance"

   "Oh, I know him!" I stomped my foot as Vance's face popped into my mind, "The rude guy from the banquet! Hmm, he seemed like he was in a very bad mood at that time. While Rayven trailed behind you the whole time"

   "I didn't know what exactly happened, but Ray cried for weeks"

   I sighed, "Well, we still are too young for such things... I've seen the assignments though. I'm assigned in Skate America and NHK Trophy"

   "I'll be in---"

   "I know" I stopped him, "Canada and Rostelecom, you're in the same events as my rink mate, Seung-gil Lee of Korea"

   "What country are you representing?" I was surprised that I haven't told Yurio where I'm from yet, "Russia? You must be European, right? But your eyes are kind of squinted, Chinese...?"

   "Oh no, I'm not Chinese. But I am from Europe, in Almaty, Kazakhstan. I'm not Russian" I corrected him, "And you, of course from Russia. Who wouldn't know who the Russian Punk is? Or the Russian Fairy? And the Ice Tiger of Russia? Cool names, I want to be known as the Snow Leopard someday"

   "So, you already know things about me" he concluded.

   "I hear from a lot of other skaters at banquets" I leaned forward, "Like, how much you really are a punk. Some say you turn into a beautiful fairy when you perform, like an angel too" I shrug, "Stuff like that"

   "What else do they say?"

   "You're stingy... rude, improper, arrogant--- Oops, phone call" I answered the call, "Yo... uh-huh... sure" I muttered, "Yurio, I gotta go"

   "What?" he heaved a heavy sigh, "I am not YURIO"

   "WOAH OKAY" I stood up from my seat, "I'll see you in Canada!"

"BRO I'VE MISSED YOU" I yelled as I ran into him and gave him a huge and he did the same thing back.

   "So how was travelling?" he asked as he placed his arm over my shoulder.

   "Been great" I shrugged, then I faced him. "How was training without me?" Otabek and I have been training under the same coach for years and years. From the time we both started skating. When I was probably 4 and Otabek was 7 years older.

   "I think I'm winning again"

   "Winning?" I ask him, "What place? Third again?"

   "No, gold" Otabek sighed, I guess he remembered the Worlds. He won bronze there, while I had been a gold medalist. "Look, it's not my fault the others are that good"

   "And it's not my fault you stopped doing ballet"

   "What's ballet got to do with this?" he elbowed me as he gave me a stern look.

   "OW" I said, even though I had dodged. "Believe me, the winner of this year's GP does ballet"

   "Who?" he asked.

   "Well, Katsuki Yuri does ballet... Plisetsky twins do so too---"

   "You wrote to me about them" Otabek recalled.

   "Oh, and Rayven was looking for you a while ago" I added.

   "Yeah, we just met"

   "What do you mean?"

   "Before I called you" he enlightened me, "We were just talking about the Grand Prix"

   "Yeah, cool" I muttered back, I wasn't really paying attention.

   "And Rayven's playing in the men's division---"

   "Excuse me?" my mouth was left gaped open, "WHAT THE HELL?"

   Otabek sighed as we entered the airport, "She's going to be a draw in the competition. Her and Nikiforov"

   "But Viktor's coaching...?"

   "His brother---"


   "I think I heard was 'Vincent' not the other"

   I sighed in relief, "Thank goodness then" Then I went on with explaining what I knew about Vance and what he did to Rayven.

   "Must be tough for her"

   "Neh" I shrugged it off, "I bet the next time Rayven gets heartbroken, she'd beat up the guy. Like Mila, from the Russian team too"

   "I wouldn't want to be beaten up" Otabek coughed.

   "Why, are you thinking about being together with her?" I asked excitedly, "BRO THE TWO OF YOU ARE PERFECT"

   "Shut up" he frowned down at me, "Maybe you feel the same for Yuri?"


   "This is going nowhere"

   "Yeah it is"


   "Y E S"

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