My Farewell

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I was just at the women's division earlier and won gold in the finals. But I couldn't find myself happy if my own crush, my first crush, hadn't really talked to me much when I met him at Park Guell.

   He did seem really happy with Otabek. I felt like Otabek was stealing my crush... yeah Yurio's my crush. And Yurio was stealing my brother.

   But Otabek would never leave me, I know that.

   "Alia!" someone knocked on my door, I guess I was right. It was Otabek. "I know you're in there, but, I wanted you to be there when I perform. Because..."

   I stood up from my bed to stare at the door, to continue to listen. "Because?" I muttered to myself.

   "You're my agape, I still don't get the term, but you are, alright?Just tell me the problem---" I hugged Otabek when I got out of the room. "Alia... you scared me... And you're still in your costume"

   "My costume's just a short black dress" I muttered, "It looks casual and I like it don't judge me"

   "Now, tell me the problem?"

   "You are"

   "Wha... What did I do?" Otabek pushes me away from the hug and held me by my shoulders to see my face.

   "Nothing really, you're just a problem, that's it" I told him, "Normal sibling bonds" I lied.

   "Okay, now you're going to watch me win"

"I WON YOU---"

   "You must've cheated!" Terence, the guy Rayven has been with the past few days, frowned down on her with jealousy.

   "I didn't" Rayven continued on with her happy dance.

   From Rayven, I know faced Otabek. "No medal?" I ask him, "At all?"

   "Fourth placers don't get medals" he told me.

   "Yeah, I know" I grabbed his arm, "Told you so"

   "What is your first command? Since I lost..."

   "Ask Yurio out" I told him.

   Otabek's cheeks were tainted with pink, "What for?"

   "We're eating out with him" I reasoned, "We're both wearing gold medals, we'll be eating while you'll have to be a third wheel"

   He sighed, "Why?"

   "Because I won, well Yurio too" I smiled, maybe it was better if I stay out of their bond, I'll just help them with it. "Now get Yurio"

Now it's only best to say goodbye to these feelings I have for Yurio. To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.

What is Agape?// YURIO PLISETSKYWhere stories live. Discover now