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Dipper pov still

I open the book. Blank? I flipped through the pages. "What the hell? They blank?" I close it and tap my head to it. I look at it and it started to glow. I toss it and it opened on its own. It stopped glowing and I pick it up. It was filled with words and drawings.

For those you need answers.

I read
Those who are born a demon can be chosen by Satan and the lord to have a powerful Holy Spirit placed in them. These individuals will develop beyond power of imagination.
If the spirit is the same gender, age, with similar personalities, the stronger the individual. Those who were closer to god such as Jesus and his friends are called Fire arch Holy Spirits while the other minor spirits are called phenix holy spirits. Only one Fire arch Spirits lives and the first born of the vessel is a phenix spirit. Other children will have minor chances of being possessed. When a spirit is born into the body of a demon than the mother will grow another pair of wings.
Fire arch spirits can give birth to phenix spirits but none of a higher level.

Each spirit may talk to the main soul of the vessel he or she shares. But can only take over if there is a mental snap or the vessel is endangered and unconscious. Some phenix Spirits are children.
Some of the children are powerful depending on their parent.
Warning angering a Fire arch spirit and its vessel and main soul will cause severe consequences most of the time will include death...........

The rest of it was blank. Only a few pages of drawings. Very detailed. But all angry faces or screaming or crying faces of boys and girls. Blank eyes. All striking body's. Using and intensive amount of power. Some had two wings others where sitting on their knees hunched over and the spirit emerging from their back ripping open skin. But that was it.

"Hey Alcor can I take over for a while I want to find mommy and I'm bored."

I let out a sigh. "Alright Tabitha but be careful. Brad and Dale might do things to you."
I told her through my head. My hair started to grow to my shoulders and the ends turned to a baby blue. My world went dark.

I was standing in a forest.
Must be my mind scape.

Third person.
Dipper was no longer in control of his body but let the young girl take over. His phenix spirit, Tabitha. Tabitha got up and left the library to look for her mother. She wondered the halls. The body's eyes were completely white.
(Fyi Alcor's body is still male only his hair has grown the ends are a baby blue. And his blue eyes turned white)

"Hey Baby boy."
Her vessel was pushed against the wall and her mouth was covered. It's a good thing she was wasn't wearing that skirt anymore.
The boy kissed the soft skin on the vessel neck. She whimpers and breaks into tears.
"Awe can you not fight back?"
She pushed him away and curled up into a ball and sobbed crying out for her mother.
"No Nononono shh don't cry it's ok." Brad tries to comfort the sobbing body.
Just then there was a loud bang. Adalay came running on all fours. Her hair completely turned white her whole eyes turned Black.


Adalay ran to Alcor's body and hovered over growling.
"Mommy!" Alcor yelled out. Dale was pulled away by Slender.

"Elizabeth calm down he didn't mean to hurt umm your child."
Jane tried to calm her.

"Yea what's the worst he could? Rape him?"
Toby blurted out.
The fact that Elizabeth took over Adalay's body wasn't normal, she's unstoppable so they need to watch how they go with her. But Toby's comment made things worse.

Elizabeth Growled deeper and louder, a tail appears on her along with large cat like ears.
"Elizabeth he knows better."

Book 2 sanity  (must read description)Where stories live. Discover now