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Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating.
But I was just thinking should I make a prequel or should I make another story. Due to me not updating I'm expanding my ships out.
Karma x Nagisa
Shiro x Keith
Lance x Keith

Or I make my own.
Tell me what you think.
Stay creepy my demon children.

Dipper: author-chan
Me: what Alcor?
Dipper: can Bill and I have another R moment?
Me:. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................ok. Lets get to it then.

-------------------in between chapter------


Bill pick me up. My legs around his waist. His soft warm tongue pressed against mine. He pushed me against the wall and slowly started to grind on my crotch. I moan out. My hand tugged at his hair I ripped his shirt off.
"Your eager, Alcor."
He whispers to me and ran his hand up my shirt. He pulls it off and push into me more closing any space between us. Out mouths pull apart. He goes for my neck sucking and biting. A hand squeeze my thigh.
"M-more." I beg him.
His hand touch my wings. I jump a bit a little shock but start moaning as the sensation of pleasure fills my body. He pulls me away from the wall and lays me on the bed. He takes my pants and pulls them down, underwear going with. He crawled between my legs and pull me closer.
"Ah Bill. Bill." I moan his name wrapping my arms around him. He pushed me down playing with my chest. Our cocks rubbed against each other. He stops taking his tie and tying it around my member. Tightly.
He stuck a finger inside of me. I yelp as he thrusts his fingers into me hitting my prostate.
He pushed his fingers in and rubbed his fingers on that spot.
"AH! MMh Ah ah B-BILL!"

"You like that huh?"

"M-more ah Ah! Daddy! I Mh Ah want you AHH! inside meh Ah!" moan out saliva rolled down my cheeks. I can't release. Bill stopped and pulled his fingers out. He lifts my hips up and slams his cock into me. I scream out his name arching my back.
"Eh ah Ah! S-so big."
He pounds my ass while touching my wings.
"Call me daddy baby."


An extra pair of arms grew out of him he grabbed my hips and pound into me harder.
"You're so warm baby! Your clamping down on me. Squeezing me so tight!"

He speeds up. His shaft grows inside me. He pulls out and flipped me to my hands and knees. My chest pressed into the bed my ass in the air. He pounds into me. I scream and moan out.
"Beg for me baby. Beg for me."

"I whant your cum inside me. Fuck me deeper. AH AH BILL!"

"I'm gonna cum."

Te takes a few more thrusts before slamming in to me. His chest against my back. His warm semen flooded my insides.
I squirm.
"D-Daddy let me cum. Ah let me cum p-please."
He untied his bow tie from my member. I squirted what was forced back onto the bed. I pant feeling satisfied. He thrust into me a bit more emptying any left overs. He leans us over so we're sleeping on our sides. He holds me close to his chest and kissed my shoulder a few times before we fall asleep.

Me: well what do you think?
Alcor: >////////<
Bill: O/////O heh I made him beg.
Alcor: n-no you didn't.
Bill: oh yes my pine tree. Yes I did.

Me: OKAY! Well I hope you readers enjoyed that little show that they put on. I will be updating soon I hope. Fucking hate school.
Oh well bye

Book 2 sanity  (must read description)Where stories live. Discover now