CH 15

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Dipper pov

The door to the infirmary room slowly opened. Grandfather stepped in so did dad. The rest of us were ordered to wait outside. Bill could tell I was a bit worried. He wraps his arm around me and pulled me close.
After a while the door opened.
"Alcor, Willow, Victor. Come inside."
Dad said.
I break away from Bill and go inside. The was a bit messy. Three beds were smushed together on them were a bunch of blankets and pillows. Mom was laying in the middle head hanging out of the nest. Dad gently touched her cheek with the back of his hand. Mom's head lifts up rubbing against him. She rolls into a crouch position hovering over the baby and growled at grandfather.
"He won't touch. I promise."
Dad reassured. Mom hesitates. She looks to me. I nod. She lays back down on her side covering her torso with her wings. She flips over to face us clearing her wings away.
A small baby laid on her wing. Fluff sat on the baby's head. He had little wings, ears and a tail.
He made a tiny sound.
So tiny.
"Beautiful." Grandpa said. I smile.
"Everyone this is Neo. Our newest little boy."

"Can I have a sister next time mommy?"
Mom picked up another little body and placed it next to Neo. Small. But lots of blue and purple hair.
"This is Viola. Our newest little girl."

Willow smiled and clapped her hands "I have sister!"

"They're opening their eyes." Dad said.
Neo had light baby pink eyes Viola had hazel eyes.
"Where did she get the blue hair from?"

"Does anyone in my blood line have natural hair?"

"Why is it always two?" I ask.

"Alcor? Monsters normal have litters of offspring. I'm just glad it was two instead of four."
I laughed and smiled. I go to the door and open it.
"It's safe. Just don't crowd to much."

I hurry back to admire my new siblings.
"What's so special about these kids anyway?" Juliea asked she looked at the kids and made a disgusting face.
"My kids are going to be cuter."

"Juliea? May I be the God mother?"
Mom asked.

"Oh umm sure why not." She crossed her arms and looked away. I laugh. Bill pulled me close.
"There's a lot of kids in the house."

"None of them are mine so it's fine."
I laugh. It soon died down.
I have my family as one all is good right?

(Time skip!)

Bill rubbed my back as I puked in the toilet. I lean my head down exhausted from everything.
Pacifica is eight months pregnant. I have morning sickness. Painful to fuck Bill. And I'm craving food. Bill was summoned and had to leave. My mom came in to help me.
She hands me water and a few pain killers.

"Rest I have to got check on the twins."

She kissed my forehead and pulled the covers up. I lay there. Jane and Nina came into the room and tossed a box onto the bed. Jane stood there hands on hips. Nina had her arms crossed.
They smile at me. I sit up and take the box.

Bill POV

"What do you want kid?"

"It worked?"
She looked at me shocked.

"The names Bill Cipher. You will add dress me as Cipher. I'm an all powerful dream demon. You wanna make a deal or-!?"

"Sleep with me!"


"I'm a virgin."

"Look kid I'm my look like a triangle but my sexuality is a circle. Besides I have a mate."

"Please! You can take my soul! You can have the baby if you want! I want to feel the pleasure!"

Her virginity will give me power.
"Wait here. I'll come back."

Book 2 sanity  (must read description)Where stories live. Discover now