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The wedding is today. Mother was taught us to dance. Aunt Teresa and king Neptune will be there along with queen Skyler.
When a royal gets married they all are invited to the wedding. Each royal dances solo then they dance who they are closest with. In other words mom and dad will dance together. Then they dance as a group. Offsprings don't have to.
(I'm sorry if I spelled Victor wrong last chapter)
Mom has to bring Victor and Willow. Mom was in a white dress and she had a black small crown.
(Pic of dress.)

Aquarius and Aries were dressed up as well

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Aquarius and Aries were dressed up as well.

"Hey mom. Why do you have an obsession with white."

"Well why does your Boyfriend like the color yellow?" She asked with a smirk. While doing Willows hair.
I look to Bill.
"Well um..... normal it has to deal with my background story. But I also like the color." He said.
What would happen in moms past that dealt with white. I think of a list of things.
The war
Her coming here.
Her power

What is it? It represents purity and innocences. Maybe her childhood?

"Yo! Alcor!" Aquarius got my attention.

"Sorry deep in thought."

"Yea. I can see that. Come on let's get going."

She take Aries's hand and skips out the room. Bill holds his arm out for me. I gladly take holding onto him.
"Your too cute you know that right?"
I tell him.
"Haha! You're one to talk. You're the submissive. And future queen."
He chuckles out.
Queen? Is that why mom likes white?

"Don't try to figure her out pine tree. It only makes her look more confusing."

Bill smiled at me. We went out of the house. My uncles were going to be by the out skirts.
We flew there didn't take long. But it was beyond Slenders forest. Once we arrived My aunt and Uncles were there. Helping set up.

Mom turns to be tackled and flown into the air by a lady with gray platinum hair. She wore a very flowy cream dress and a gold crown. They hug each other and land back onto the ground.

"Skyler I haven't seen you since..... well since we were 15."

"Look at you you've changed so much since your wedding."

Wedding. Her wedding.

"Yea well lets not talk about it now. Cause someone will over hear. This is Alcor, my son and his mate Cipher. The little ones I took in as my own this is Victor and Willow. Aquarius and Aries are my nieces. Kids this is the lady of the Clouds. Queen Skyler."
Mom introduced us.

Skyler flew to me and cupped my cheeks and turned my head around looking at my eyes.
"Oooo so pretty. Hard to read. Blank and mysterious. Always asking things. Always curious and eager to learn more. Your also a submissive. Very independent but must learn that you can make a path of your own than what is made for you."

Book 2 sanity  (must read description)Where stories live. Discover now