Ch 12

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"I WANT RIIIIIICE!" Mom yelled out. Her head was on the counter. She looks tired.

"Make it then." Jeff told her.

"NOOOOOOO!.......I don't want to........ make me Rice and Bacon!"

"....... Do I look like a servant to you?"
Uncle Jeff questioned her.

"You look like my older brother............ PLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEE!?"



"NO WAY! LIUUUUU!" Mom yelled.
Aquarius and Aries peak their heads into the kitchen.
"What's going on?"

"JEFF DOESNT LOOVE MEEEEEEE AAAAHHH!" Mom cried and started balling her eyes out. Victor and Willow walk over to her and hug her legs.
"B-be nice to mommy!" Willow yells at him.
I groan going to a cabinet pulling out a small pot and pan. I fill the pot with water and get bacon from the fridge and cook her food.

"She's been craving the same thing for the past 3 week! She's never done this!"
Jeff throw his arms in the air like he's given up.

"I have a pretty good idea on what's going on," Jane Nina clockwork and Jill walk in and pull my mother out. "We're gonna borrow her for five minutes!" Nina said and held up a peace sign. Mom reached her arms out shaking then like she wants to stay. "FOOOOoooood!" Her yell getting distant.

The water is boiling so I pour a cup of rice stir and put the lid on.

(To cook rice. For every two cups of water is one cup of rice. 2 cups water=1 cup of rice.
First let water boil then add rice, stir for ten seconds. Put lid on set timer for 6 min. Reduce heat to low or medium low. Every 3 min stir and put lid back on. Timer should go off turn stove off and stir. Rice might look a bit wet if so put lid back on and wait about a minute or two. Eat and enjoy. Any questions? No? Good continue with story.)

The food is about done when mom comes back in. She sits down with a groan. I give her the food and my mother scarfs it down. Jeff reached for a small strip of bacon. Mom growled and hissed at him dementedly showing sharp white teeth.

"Eat it! Not me!" He backed away. Splendor comes into the room and starts rubbing and massaging into moms back.

"Prrrrrrrrrrr..... little down. Prrrrrrrrr"

She's purring. Her head was on the counter.
The window opened in flew a bird. That shifted into my father. Water came from the sink and turned into Neptune, Skyler appears.
"Oh my fucking crown. So it is true?! How do you feel?"
Mom looked to Skyler with a dark look.
"What's true?" Liu asked.
Sally came running in and handed me a white looking stick.
I move it around......... two lines.

"Mom? Your pregnant!?"

"............................EEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" Everyone gathers in the kitchen.
"You lost your virginity?"
"What didn't you tell us?"
"Is it a boy or girl? How many?"

The room went quiet and they looked to Slender. "It's new. But we mustn't stress her out. If you remember when she was first pregnant with Alcor she stayed away from us."

"Wait so who's the father?"

Mom suddenly sat up with animal ears on her head.
"My husband is the father." She said "Juliea! Quit hiding!"

Juliea came in through the window.
"I'm so excited we're the same! I'm pregnant as well. Maybe they'll be born on the same day. That would be fun."

Mom tuned her out I think.
"Um Juliea. Not to be rude or anything but you might want to stop trying to get on my aunts good side. The more you try the harder it is."
Aries said.
"Oh and why is that? Can I not be nice to her!? Is that a crime!?"

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