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Zuko follows Sokka into the dining hall, both feeling sentimental for reasons they won't talk about again. Katara and Suki are laughing between themselves when they enter, both clutching cups of tea. They silence themselves as the two men approach.
"What's so funny?" Sokka asks, setting insistent hands on his hips.
"Oh, nothing," Katara smirks, reaching for Zuko's hand and pulling him to a kneel. "I have to ask you something, sweetheart."
"Of course," he says, appreciating the submissive position.
"Tell me," she begins, tilting his head up to look at her. "Is my brother a better kisser than me?"
He lets his head fall into her lap. He and Sokka groan over the sound of the joyous giggles that fill the room.
"You told my sister? Really?"
Suki's laughter quiets slightly, reading her husband for signs of anger.
"I had to. It's just so funny."
"I thought you had more class than that," Katara teases. "At least Zuko was single. You were a day away from marriage. And it's Zuko."
"But- but it was him."
Sokka flushes pink and jabs a finger at Zuko.
"No way. You had way more to drink than me."
"So then you should have had some discretion. This is on you."
"Is not."
Katara and Suki laugh harder at the boys' expense. Zuko doesn't mind being laughed at by Katara. Anything to hear her laugh.
The giggling dies down as Sokka takes a seat beside Suki, and Zuko, beside Katara. She rests a hand on his arm as the servants pour the tea.
"So," Suki continues. "How did all this go over?"
"All what?"
"You know, what happened? Sokka already explained the questionable noises we heard after the tea celebration."
Zuko's face flushes. He had thought about that night so much that he'd forgotten that it was the night that started it all.
"After the celebration, I went to Ba Sing Se with Aang."
"Zuko told me you went back home," Sokka interrupts.
"Yeah, I told him that in a letter. But then Aang got news that the lower ring of Ba Sing Se was having trouble, so we went there instead. And I was at your wedding. Things were just too complicated then to reveal myself."
"I know. Zuko told me that much," Sokka mutters. "I really needed you there."
"I saw Dad do the face paint."
"Yeah, and he was the last resort. It was supposed to be Mom, and if not her, the next of female kin. That's you."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry."
"Why was it supposed to be Katara or your mom? What's wrong with Chief Hakoda?" Zuko chimes in.
"In the Water Tribe the parent of the same sex as your spouse is supposed to give you away. They essentially agree to be replaced as the most important man or woman in your life. If that parent isn't around, a grandparent, or an aunt or uncle, or brother or sister."
"But I saw your grandmother at the wedding. Why didn't she do it?"
"Because her hands are too shaky to properly apply face paint. That leaves Dad, and it was a little awkward having him do it."
"Back home, my dad would give me to you and your mom would give you to me. It's a symbol of accepting the marriage. Make sense?" Katara clarifies.
Zuko nods, pondering this. He's never heard of any such tradition in either Water Tribe, but he finds it fascinating nonetheless.
"It shouldn't matter much. You already know how much I like Suki," she concludes, setting down her tea cup.
"What are you guys doing for your wedding?" Suki asks with a smile.
"Wedding?" Zuko nearly chokes. He keeps forgetting that he's expected to marry this woman in the (very) near future. Not that he doesn't want to, but he has so much to learn and so much to live up to. Would she want a big proposal? If he is going to propose to her with her mother's necklace, how is he going to get it off her neck and keep her from asking about it while he had it set in gold?
He would have to talk to Sokka about this later. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day for the celebration, since Sokka and Suki are already here.
Zuko lifts his tea to drink, and is nothing short of amused when he finds it to have been frozen. He smirks at Katara, who stirs her tea nonchalantly.
As if on cue, Sokka whines, "Katara, my tea."
Zuko snorts. "What happened, buddy?"
Arching an eyebrow, Sokka flips his cup to demonstrate its frozen state. He realizes his mistake too late, just a split second before the tea turns to liquid again and splashes over his lap.
"Ugh, you damn benders!" he curses. Suki laughs at him as he stands.
"Would you like a fresh pair of pants?" Zuko offers.
"That depends. Does it look like I pissed myself?"
"Then yes. Please."
Zuko stands, bending to kiss Katara on the forehead before leading Sokka out. He catches him turning to stick his tongue out at his sister before leaving entirely.
They walk to the Fire Lord's bedroom together. Zuko waits until they are far away enough to speak.
"I need to ask you something," he begins.
Sokka turns his attention over, his wet pants forgotten.
"You know I'm married."
Zuko's pace slows. "Yes, I know."
"Okay," Sokka nods to himself. "As long as you know."
Zuko cocks an eyebrow. "Anyway, you know Katara better than anyone. Right?"
"Wishfully thinking, yes."
"Would she be upset if I had her necklace redone and used it to propose to her?"
"What do you mean redone?"
"Set it in gold, with a precious stone or two."
"That might be nice," he muses, gliding into Zuko's bedroom when he holds the door open for him. Zuko rifles through his dresser to find a clean set of house clothing, and thanks to Katara, there are about ten full outfits. He tosses Sokka a pair of pants with a matching kimono top.
"Those should fit."
"I think we're about the same size," Sokka says, stripping into his underwear.
"They're not mine. They're Katara's."
"You're giving me women's clothing?"
"No, they're men's clothing. Katara just doesn't know that."
Sokka smirks. Zuko wills his eyes not to wander below his collarbone, but the brown skin is beyond enticing.
"Dude, with the staring," Sokka rolls his eyes, sliding into the cotton pants. "Okay, maybe I'm married, but Katara's already pregnant. We're basically siblings."
Zuko holds up a hand to interrupt him. " It's your skin tone. It's just so uncommon here."
"Yeah, well, my skin tone wasn't exactly my choice. But I don't get sunburned like Suki does. Do Firebenders get sun burned?"
"You can get burned by the sun?"
"Yeah, happens all the time. I figured since the Fire Nation has the palest population in the world that preventative sunburn treatments would be on every corner."
"No Firebender has ever been burned by the sun. I didn't even know it was possible."
Sokka shrugs on the kimono and ties it.
"This country just keeps getting more bizarre," he adjusts his collar and turns to face Zuko. "Thanks for the clothes, and thanks for making it extra awkward. I appreciate it," he slaps a hand down on his shoulder. "And to answer your question, I do think Katara would like that proposal. When are you planning on doing it?"
"How about tomorrow?"
"Why so fast?"
"Because I need to announce Katara's pregnancy. Normally the Fire Nation celebrates the coming of an heir by throwing a big party in the Fire Lady's honor. The sooner we announce it, the better my country is to take the news."
"A party? Am I invited?"
"Everyone in the capital is invited. Should I propose before the celebration? Because she'll be wondering where her necklace went."
"I think that would work best. You did invite my dad, right?"
"Yeah, I sent for him the same day I sent for you. I hope he arrives on time."
"If there's one thing my dad is good at, it's sailing."
"He is the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe."
"That he is, buddy. Don't forget it."
"And you're next in line, aren't you?"
"Yeah, I'm supposed to take the position of Chief whenever my dad sees fit."
"What are you going to do about Suki?"
"What do you mean 'what am I going to do?' She's coming with me. And if she wanted it, I would follow her back to Kyoshi island so she could be their leader. Katara and I have that in common. We understand politics, but that doesn't mean we'll let them stand between us and those we love."

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