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Sokka arrives in Zuko's study, escorted by a guard by Katara's command. He saunters into the room and plops down on the Fire Lord's work, both hands on his hips.
"Hey, buddy. I'm here early. You know what that means," he nudges Zuko's shoulder playfully.
"You're going to kiss me again?"
Sokka blushes red.
"If the occasion calls for it," he jeers. "No, it's time for your bachelor party."
"But I'm not a bachelor."
"That's not the point. Suki, Toph, and Katara are all going to the spa or something girly like that. You and me are going bar hopping."
"I can't go to any bars, Sokka. This is my territory. I'd surely be recognized, and that's nothing short of dishonorable. Also I can't drink. Doctor's orders."
"Then what are we supposed to do?"
"I've got a pool out back that I never use."
"Is it warm?"
"It will be when I get in."
"Deal. Let's go."

Zuko plunges into the freezing water so he can heat it, both fists alight. Sokka dips in a foot and shudders.
"It's been a while since I've been to the South Pole," he remarks. "Cold water never fazed me before."
Bubbles begin to rise as small areas begin to boil. Within minutes it is steaming, thanks to Zuko's bending, which has only recently been at its full capacity again because of some nigh unbearable worm smoothies.
"So are you going to tell me why up until a few days ago you looked like a white sack of bones?"
Zuko shoots him a sidelong glare. Sokka holds his hands up innocently.
"Over what, the wedding? Because I swear to Tui if you leave her at the alter I'll-"
"No, nothing like that. I'm excited for the wedding. It's the baby I'm worried about. So much could go wrong."
Sokka frowns. "Oh. I see."
"That's all? You're not going to offer any consolation? Any advice?"
"How can I? I have never been in a position like yours before. But I do know that worrying is only going to make this harder on Katara."
"Yeah, I know that already, thanks."
They fall silent for a minute, until Sokka squints at something hidden behind an oversized potted plant.
"What's that?"
"What's what?"
Sokka reaches behind the pot and reveals a bottle of wine that he must have left out here when he nearly drowned all those months ago.
"You keep wine back here? I thought you didn't drink anymore."
"That's from a while ago. It's probably bad."
"Nope. Fully sealed. And it's the expensive kind, too."
Sokka corks it and takes a long drink.
"It's tasty," he smiles, drinking more. "It would have been wasted had I never found it."
"That's true. Enjoy."
"You mean you won't even taste it?"
"I've had it. It's my wine."
"You're no fun. We got drunk for my bachelor party."
"Yeah, and look what happened."
"I'm not afraid of you. Do what you want to me. I'm invincible," he flexes, dangling the wine bottle from his fist.
"You're going to drop it," Zuko scolds him, reaching for the bottle. Sokka fans his fingers against Zuko's chest and give him a firm push backwards, flopping him into the water.
As much as he hates the pulverized worms, he credits them with the return of his strength. He rejoices in this, and lunges at Sokka.
Naturally, anyone from the Water Tribe is much more agile in the water than anyone from the Fire Nation, and Sokka skirts out of the way, the rim of the bottle pressed to his lower lip. A smirk rests on his face as he takes another long draw.
"Too slow," he waggles his gloved fingers in front of the Fire Lord's face. "Water Tribe."
"I'll light your stupid ponytail on fire."
"It is not a ponytail. We have been over this."
"You'll have to explain it to me one more time."
"This is a wolf tail. Only worn by the most elite warriors of the Southern Water-"
Zuko splashes him, cutting the lecture short. Thankfully Sokka takes the hint and reclines against the ledge, taking mouthful after mouthful of wine.
"Are you becoming an alcoholic?" Zuko asks bluntly.
"Very slowly," Sokka winks at him. "I like to drink on two occasions- when somebody's getting married, and when somebody's not getting married."
"So, all the time?"
"Hey, in my defense, I only drink this heavily on special occasions. It would be a hell of a lot more fun if you'd join me. Get it out of your system before you become a father."
Zuko sighs and sinks chin-deep into the water. The word echoes. The F-word. The father word. It's happening soon, and there's really nothing Zuko can do to stop or postpone it. He might as well.
This time he takes the wine when it is offered. His anxiety flares up then collapses as the takes his first sip. His racing heartbeat is eased into a steadier rhythm. It's not long before he finds himself more drunk than he'd like and staring up into the early evening. Sokka's run off to find more alcohol. Zuko's fingertips have long begun to wrinkle.
Pattering footsteps approach and Zuko is splashed as Sokka dives gracefully into the pool, two glass bottles in hand. When he surfaces, his ponytail has loosened and his hair droops with water, long strands sticking to his forehead. He tosses a bottle to Zuko that clips his chin on its way into the water. He grunts, his hand moving to comfort the injury. With an apologetic countenance, Sokka glides through the water, reaching for the Firebender where he was hit. An idea blooms. Zuko tackles the warrior, his long pale arms wrapping around his ribs as they crash into the pool.
They rise for air, laughing merrily.
With a playful shove, Zuko says, "You never really told me about the guidelines for a typical Southern Water Tribe bachelor party."
"You don't want to know. You're a prude."
"Am not."
"Are so."
"Am not!"
"Prove it. Have you ever enjoyed the company of one of your concubines? Have you ever hired a prostitute?"
"Have you?"
"This isn't  about me. I've been in an ongoing relationship with one girl since the war ended. This is about you."
"I was with Mai since the war ended."
"Really? Even after she left? You were faithful the entire time?"
"I told you, sleeping with concubines feels wrong to me and I have no reason to do it."
"Oh really? Prude."
"Stop calling me that. No Fire Lord in history has ever been a prude. I'm faithful and monogamous."
"Somehow I don't believe you. What happened when you were welcomed back as a prince, and you were suddenly swarmed with beautiful women? You didn't indulge in even one?"
Zuko grunts, steam leaking from his nostrils. "No. Not one."
"I hear the palace has a secret harem of male concubines."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, nothing. I know about it, is all."
"Are you implying something?"
"Are you confessing something?"
"I'm not gay, Sokka."
"Obviously not, if you like both. It's alright. It's commonplace where I come from. The Water Tribes have no stigma against homosexuality. Unlike the Fire Nation."
"Why do I care?"
"Because you asked me about a typical Southern Water Tribe bachelor party, and I said your prudish mind couldn't stand to know the truth."
"Are you implying that Southern tradition is for men to sleep with each other at their bachelor parties?"
"Oh, no, definitely not tradition. It's just not uncommon. Which is why I was a little shocked by your behavior at my bachelor party."
"Because it was so un-prudish."
"Is there something you want to tell me?"
Sokka turns his back, corking his bottle of unlabeled alcohol. He drinks, longer than he'd like to, as an excuse to be silent for just a moment. Maybe it's time to tell him. Maybe it's time to come clean. Zuko has the capacity to understand these things, right? Maybe he's too drunk to articulate these sensitive topics properly. Maybe he's not drunk enough to have to courage to say what he wants. Sokka inhales, and braces himself.

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