May I Have This Dance

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Zuko and Katara are passed around the room like novelties. Katara dances with Pakku, then Iroh, then Sokka, while Zuko, just on the other side of the dance floor, is handed between Ty Lee, Toph, and then Kanna. This allows them short conversations between each pair, usually with well-wishes or advice attached.
"Fire Lady Katara," Pakku says thoughtfully. "I never would have guessed that the feisty girl from the Southern Water Tribe would have ended up with that title."
"I know," she returns, smiling gently. "But what a title is is, isn't it?"
"Indeed it is. Use your powers for good, Katara. Don't let the power corrupt you. And don't forget where you come from. You are a child of the Water."
He reveals something from the pocket of his suit and presses it into her palm.
"What's this?"
"Another vial of Spirit Water. You told me you used the last one to bring the Avatar back from the dead. Because of you, the war is over. There is no doubt in my mind you will use this wisely."
"Thank you, Master."
She steps away to bow, but as she does, Iroh takes her by the hand and sweeps her into another dance. He gives her a moment to recuperate.
"I congratulate you on your many achievements. And I thank you for the wonderful affect you have on my nephew. You have completely changed his life recently, just as you did before. I believe he owes you his life."
"As I owe him mine, yes."
"Fire Lady Katara, I have never seen my nephew so happy as he is now, with you. I think of you as one of my own. I have for many years. And I am grateful to you for the part you played in ending the war, and the part you play in restoring honor and peace and balance to this nation. You are something very special, Lady Katara, and in my nephew's eyes, you are an irreplaceable treasure."
"Thank you, Uncle Iroh. And thank you for this beautiful wedding. Without you none of this would be possible. Thank you for looking after Zuko for so long. He wouldn't be the man he is without you."
She's stolen away by her brother, who looks more sentimental than she's ever seen him.
"My baby sister's wedding day," he says softly as they spin around on the dance floor. "To the Fire Lord, nonetheless. What a bizarre concept. But I'm happy for you, baby sister. Really, I am."
"Thank you, Sokka. I'm sorry I wasn't there to properly attend your wedding. But I saw it. I promise I did."
"I know you did. And it's okay. I appreciate you being there. I hope you don't forget about me in the midst of this fabulous life. You know that whenever you need me, I'll be at your side. We're partners until the end, okay? No matter what, no matter who we're married to or what our lives are like. I loved you first, and I always will."
"I know, Sokka. I love you, too," she squeezes him tightly, a final thank you for everything he's done for her, through the war, through their childhood, everything. Katara doesn't like to imagine what her life would be like if the war had taken her brother, too. She shudders, then moves on to Haru.
Zuko and Ty Lee are easy going when they're together. She laughs at his bad jokes and compliments his aura.
"And Katara really is lovely," she tells him matter-of-factly. "And a great Waterbender. I wish I had gotten to know her a little better over the years."
"Don't worry, you have time. I don't think she's going anywhere."
"I'm very happy for you, Zuko. She's perfect for you. And this is a beautiful wedding. And I never would have known, but I really like sea prunes."
Zuko laughs at this, then Ty Lee disappears and is replaced with Toph, gripping his hands far too tight.
"Sup, Hotpants."
"Toph. You look great."
"Thanks. I have no other way of knowing that, you know. Other than the nobleman who's been telling me I'm gorgeous for the past two hours."
"Who is that guy, anyway?"
"You mean you don't know your own nobles? That's Zhang. And he smells like flowers."
"I'm happy for you."
"I'm happy for you right back," she tells him, flashing a small smile. "I always knew you would wind up as Sugar Queen's Sugar King."
"Yeah? You always knew that?"
"Yup. Always."
Zuko leans closer, ducking his head to her ear and lowering his voice to a murmur.
"You couldn't have told me a little sooner? The past couple years of my love life have completely destroyed me."
Toph laughs at this.
"Sorry, Hotpants. That stuff was for me to know and you to find out the hard way."
"Oh, you mean an unintended pregnancy, narrowly avoiding a nationwide scandal, and many months of stress and anxiety?"
"Pay your damn dues," she says lightheartedly. "The beat's about to change, I think that means our dance is over. Thanks for the invite."
She's taken from the Fire Lord by her nobleman, and after a moment of downtime, Kanna's cold hands clasp onto his and soon he's slow dancing with Katara's grandmother. At first they sway in silence, as Zuko is at a loss for words.
"I'm grateful for all the work you've done for the wedding, ma'am. It's wonderful. It seems many people of the Fire Nation have a taste for Water Tribe food."
"I see that."
She smiles, patting lightly at his chest.
"Have you never tried my food? You are a growing boy."
"Not before today, no, ma'am. I did quite enjoy it. It made the wedding that much more special."
"That's true, it is a special day, isn't it? The day my granddaughter marries."
"I know, I know. Me of all people. Everyone expected Aang."
"No, darling, I expected you. If you ask me, Katara took my advice a little far. I told her once that her destiny was intertwined with the Avatar's. I never expected her to run off with him after the war."
"She did visit the Southern Water Tribe often, though, right?"
"Of course. She helped rebuild its infrastructure. I've never seen it so lively. I wish she were there to see it more often."
Zuko frowns. "I hate to say it, ma'am, but I fear this new title of hers will interfere with her visits home. I would expect you and your family to resent me for stealing her away."
"What you have done, darling, is placed her in a position where she can finally do what has always been meant for her. Finally, she can help people, all over the world, with nothing but a signature on a paper."
"Somehow I don't think Katara will like that much. She likes to be among the people who need her."
"Katara will adjust once she sees her impact. I am not worried for her, but for you. You are to have the child of a Waterbender running about your home very soon," she smiles a mischievous smile, patting his chest again. "A handsome man like you must create powerful children. And please- enough with this 'ma'am' nonsense. Call me Gran Gran."
"Alright- Gran Gran, it was a pleasure to dance with you."
"The pleasure is mine, darling. I feel twenty all over again."

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