7. It wasn't him.

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(Author's POV)

"I'm back" greet Wooseok... but he finds Yuto is sleeping with a peaceful face, Wooseok walk towards him and squat beside the bed, taking the towel away and change the water.
Before putting a new hot towel, he measure Yuto's temperature again. Wooseok sigh in relief. Yuto's temperature is lower than before. He get's up and then take a shower.

Later then, Yuto wakes up and find a hot towel on his forehead that it wasn't hot anymore. "Ahh my stomach hurts" said Yuto groans.
Yuto then walk straight to the bathroom, not knowing there's Wooseok in it. Yuto opened his pants, and then Wooseok pulling the shower curtains.

Not knowing there's Yuto too, after find out theres them, they're both screaming "WHAT THE FUC--!!???! JUNG WOOSEOL WTF WHY'D YOU IN THE BATHROOM YOU PERVERTED SON OF A BITCH"
Yuto startled and screamed

"O-OKAY I'M SORRY I WASN'T KNOWING YOU WAS IN HERE" said Yuto as he put his back his pants back and walking out from the bathroom. Then he realize he want to take a dump.
"Excuse me mr. Wooseok, I want to... Uhh---" then suddenly the door open, Wooseok with a topless shape.

"yOU--- PUT A SHIRT CAN YOU?!" Shout Yuto pulled Wooseok to his bed and throw a white shirt to his face "yah can you at least thanked me–" mumbled Wooseok, "did you say something??"

Wooseok shooking his head "nothing, pretend you didn't hear anything. Also please toss me my hoodie.." Sighed Wooseok, Yuto passed his Black hoodie and then went to the bathroom.
"You really are heavier than I thought. Godamn japanese pig" shout Wooseok from outside
"shut up bamboo stick."

'Why'd Shinwon-hyung fall for him anyway??' Yuto mumbled

(Yuto's POV)

It's Sunday in the morning. I regret because yesterday I wasting my day off because the Pizza... I still laying on my bed, Wooseok just leave a minutes ago. I feel like I'm lazier after the exchange roommate... I wake up late, or he wakes me up.

I take My towel and take a bath. Putting my jeans on and a black bomber jacket. I bought 1 pack red pill that Shinwon-hyung just bought last night.

I still can't imagine it. In my way to the cafetaria, I'm smiling like an idiot person until Shinwon-hyung suprised me. "YAH YUTO-KUN!!" I startled "Ohh it's you hyung, want to go to the cafetaria??"
"No I just had it with Dawnie and Hongseok hyung"
"Am I woke up that late? Hyung i'm so so sorry I can't had breakfast with you all" I pouted. "Ahh it's okay, but i didn't see Wooseok today too while breakfast. Tell me to him Hi if you meet him."

"Haha okay hyung, by the way thanks for the medicine last night" I thanked him "What medicine?? Are you delirious again?"
I confused because I know the one who bought me this medicine is him "but *show the medicine* who's get me this medicine??"

Shinwon just titled his head "I don't know.., maybe it's Wooseok. Yesterday he told me you fainted because the pizza i gave. I'm sorry Yuto-ya. Next time I just order some pepperoni pizza for you"
I'm more confused and scratch my head.

So that night was Wooseok not Shinwon "did Wooseok said something to you hyung? Where is he now?" I ask. "nope. I don't know, maybe in his class of cafetaria. You didn't know his number yet?" I shooked "you have it hyung?"

Shinwon nodded with a tiny smile "AAHAHA CONGRATS HYUNG I'M HAPPY TOO"
"I KNOW RIGHT. IMMA HEADING TO MY DORM BYE YUTO-YAH" he's waving his hand and then disappear.

Then immediately I runs to the cafetaria, I can't find him anywhere. My stomach can't shut, i'm so hungry but I must find him first.
Next, I dash to his class. His class is the same as Ilhoon so i know where it is.

I finally stand in front of the Rap class's door. I rearranged my breath, and then knocked the door.
*doors open* "Ohh Yuto-kun.., long time no see. Why are you here?" It's Ilhoon who opened it doors. "Uuh.., Hi Ilhoon. Is Wooseok here?"
"Ohh he's in the restroom just a sec ago. Come in~"
"Aish that guy srsly.., thanks" I'm entering the Rap Classroom.
It's so cold, it's gave me a goosebumps. But somehow the wind smells something familiar...

I sat near Ilhoon with his laptop, composing his mixtape.
"Hey is that your mixtape?" I ask Ilhoon. "Yes it is, you wanna hear it?" I shooked my head "no thanks"
"Ouch Yuto you breaking my heart" His hand pointing his right chest "it's your nipple you dumb. Heart is at the left." I chuckled

*doors opens* "I'm back–- what are you doing here?" Wooseok that frowned his eyebrows just came back from the restroom.

"What? I can't enter this room? I can't meet my Friend?" I firmly reply.
"You said that you want to meet hi--" I shouted Ilhoon's mouth with My hand. I see the bamboo slightly smiling. I reflexively looked away
'geez why i'm looking away??'

"Okay enough with the shits. What are you up to? If you don't have business in here then get out."
"Are you kicking me out? No. Explain what happened yesterday night. It wasn't Shinwon-hyung right? The one who carried me like a princess??" I firmly deny he's kicking me out.
He grabbed me by the wrist and take me to the outside of the studio

"Are they roommate? If yes it's gonna be fun~ but why carry like a princess?? " smirked Ilhoon with his head titled

"What?" I ask him after we're outside. "Why're you asking this now?"
I frowned my eyebrows and look at the hand "i talk when you let go of my wrist." He let go of my wrist, it's so tight my wrist leaving a red mark.


"*sigh* why didn't you tell me it was you yesterday? I thought it was Shinwon-hyung who carried me like a princess"
Wooseok then averted his eyes.

"Bruh if it's Shinwon who carried you, I bet he had fracture right now" he giggled. "I--IM NOT THAT HEAVY YOU BASTARD" I shouted as i push him by the chest "ouch, it hurts *giggles*"

"Why are you carrying me like a princess? I'm not a girl. You can call the nurses."
Then he looked at me "is this the way how you thank? I wont carry you if i can reach the nurses. But i can't. I have the evidence *show his call history*"
There's 5 times he called the nurse but it's a misscall, and i see Shinwon-hyung's misscall.

"T-There's, Shinwon-hyung's call, why didn't you answer it?" I ask him.
"Don't you see? It's 2 in the morning. I didn't want to answer some pointless call.

Did you see the nurses number?? How many times i call them?"
Asked him.
"Fi-fives. But you ignored his calls, what's that Su-sungjae? Yes him, you called him a minutes before Shinwon's call." Wooseok averted his eyes again, then he look at me. This time i think he will sprouts some serious talk.

"Why are you so curious? Is that 'Shinwon' so important to you? Listen. I didn't pick up his calls because i'm so tired. I just carried you down the stairs and this is what i get? Seriously is this the way a japanese person thank?" He sighed as he lean back the wall then sit.

"He said to me that if... I'm not taking care his dongsaeng. I'll never forgived by him. Are you satisfied?" I widened my eyes after what he said "Are you serious? Like seriously?" I squat in front of him.

He look at me in the eyes
"Still not gonna believe me? Why don't you ask him?"
I sat in front of him "like i have the courage." I laughed a little and I see him smiling too, his slight smile somehow I like it so much.

I gets up and then suddenly my stomach rumbling. Wooseok who've heard it had his eyes on my stomach "did you had breakfast?"
I nodded. "But your stomach said otherwise. Come on i'll accompany you. I also haven't had breakfast" said him as he hit my back. "Yah bamboo. It's on you right? *giggle*" I sneer him "aish this Yuto-kun too *giggled*"
"Don't call me with Kun."
we walk and joking to the cafetaria

'I think he's not that rude, maybe he's just that funny rude..'

Hi!!! I'm sorry for the super late update ;-;) I'm very sick yesterday and i just typed this so i'm sorry if it's too short ;-;)💖💖💖 thankyouu for reading until now!!!( ˘ ³˘)♡

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