chapter 2

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Y/n pov

I was on my way to the palace to talk to him more kinda hoping we could be friends. I stoped when Dalila pulled my hair "ow what was that for " she pointed her head to the palace " What you don't want me to go there " she nodded "Why nothing bad is gonna happen". I continued Dalila keep at my feet trying to stop me from continuing " out of my way ". I made it to the out side wall of the palace I looked at Dalila " see so far nothing we'll  be fine" place where I would normally start my climb. I went straight to the roof to see the sun set before I went to see the Prince. " See we made it and nothing happened I told you" she just shook her head " look well be fine because we have this" I showed her my bracelet that my dad gave me before he died " he said it was called the millenium bracelet I don't know what it does but it's given me good luck since I got it so I'll always believe that I'll be okay" I said with a big smile. I looked down and saw atem on the balcony so I started to climb down when I set foot in the balcony he didn't notice i went up behind him quietly and said " boo"
" gah oh y/n it's you"
"Yeah I thought I might drop in I don't have much to do at this time " I said with a smile
" if you don't mind"
He shook his head " of course I won't mind" I walked over to the balcony and sat on the rail " so y/n why don't you tell me about your self"
" what's to tell?"
"What's your family like what do you do outside of the palace"
" my parents are dead and my life isn't great"
" what happened to them?"
"My mother was deathly I'll and they both died by Theif's I wasn't there. I went out to get food but when I got back I saw the man who killed them I was so made I-  I killed him" i curled up in a ball just thinking about that day it hurt seeing mom and dad on the ground dead. I felt a hand on my back " I'm sorry for making you remember that"
"Its It's fine I'll be fine" I said with a smile
" you have a millenium item"
" huh" I looked at my bracelet.
" oh Yeah my dad had it he gave it to me It's the only thing I have left of his" 
" my father's court has the others he said there was only seven not eight where did he get it"
" I don't know actually"
" did he ever tell you?"
" no I never asked either"
" why not"
I shrugged my shoulder he started to head to the door  " we should show my dad he-"
" NO" he looked back confused
" why not he needs to know that there is another item"
" look atem me and the guards if of the palace aren't on good terms with each other if they find me here who knows what will happen" atem nodded
"Okay I understand" he walked back towards me " besides I don't want my friend to be hurt"
" f-f-friend?" He nodded "we are friends right?" I smiled big and nodded " yes yes we are" I hugged him I was so happy to actually have a friend then I heard Dalila trying to get my attention " Yeah?" She pointed to our house that I could faintly see. " I have to go Dalila wants to go home and I'm getting a bit tired my self see you tomorrow atem"
" bye umm get wait maybe you can meet my other friends tomorrow in the gardens mid day"
"I'll try goodbye" and with that I left.

The Theif That Stole The Pharaohs Heart Atem X Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now