chapter 9

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Y/n pov

Atem left the room to tell Seto that he has chosen a wife even though he won't be happy with the decision. Dalila some how managed to get into the room unditeced and fell asleep on the Pharoh's bed. I was on the balcony not caring if I'm spotted I was still worried about myself and atem mostly from Akefia he will try to do. I know I must expect the worst I felt fur rub against my leg I picked up Dalila set her on the rail and started petting her "looks like a new part of our lives a gonna start here you ready?"
"I'll take that as a yes" I said with a smile.
"Y/N!!" I got a big hug from behind I looked back and saw Mana.
"Atem said you would be here it's good to see you again"
"Same to you mana so what brings you here"
"What can't see a friend and atem  wanted me to come check on you"
"That makes sense"
"So" she hops on the railing "any thing on your mind"
"Wondering why atem chose me to be his queen I don't have a good reputation with the people"
"Yeah and steo is going to have a field day with this news"
"Eh I'm down with anything to piss him off" we both laughed while Dalila just shook her head.
"It's going to be nice to have you around y/n"
"Yeah same here" I notice her look at my bracelet.
" how did you get that?"
"My father had it before me he never got the chance to tell me from where but he did tell me that it would protect me and keep me out of harms stoped doing that a while ago "
" why?"
"I wish I knew but being caught by the Theif king caught by palace guards I guess my luck warn out and the only way for me to get rid of it is for me to die"
"Oh so it-"
"Attached to my skin yeah once my parents died that's when I couldn't get rid of it and how I met Dalila" I said as I petted her "she's been a great friend"
"You two seem close closer then you and atem maybe?"
"I say the same" I saw Dalila's ears perk up and I sighed "5....4....3....2...1" as I said on I pointed at the door and saw Seto and atem are following behind. Seto did not look happy
"Let me guess your mad about the Pharoh choosing me"
" did you manage to make the Pharoh fall for you a Theif no less?"
"Why are you asking me I liked him yes but I never said anything I didn't even think deserved him your asking me question that I've been asking my self" atem put a hand on Seto shoulder "Seto please understand I do  love her and I know I can trust her more then the princess you have chosen for me she has been my friend since I was a child I know how she is please trust my decision"
"*sigh* i guess i cant change your mind but alright I trust your judgement" I walked up to Seto  and held out a hand"*sigh* look I know you don't like me and I understand why but can we try to get along" he sighed and shook my hand.
"Don't try anything to harm the Pharoh "
"Dont plan on it just have a little faith in me okay"

"So you two okay with each other now" mana said with a smile.

"Yeah" we both said a small glare in our eyes

"So when do you plan on having the wedding Atem"  mana said with a smile

Okay there was going to be more but school, geometry <-(fucking sucks)  and I'm moving so there's that  and I couldn't really thing of anything since the chapter 9 in progress so sorry if you were expecting the wedding in this chapter I'll try to think of something for ten so until then I'll see you in the next chapter bye 😊

The Theif That Stole The Pharaohs Heart Atem X Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now