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To my reader, I am sorry that I have not been updating this story I know you all want to know what happens later on in the story but... I am out of the Yugioh fandom, For Now, there have been times where I have fallen back into it but not for a long time I'm mostly in it for a day then I don't think about it for a month or two.

In all honestly, I want to continue it but my mind doesn't want to think of what next to write it wants to think  "oh game play game don't write" or "oh a youtuber uploaded some watch it, you can write late" and later never comes. 

Also, Bioshock Infinite and Thief have taken over my life so if you're a follower of mine and want to know why this story hasn't updated but a new story pops up here's your answer.  with that being said this story may stay on hold for a long time I do plan on fixing it up sometime in the future I told myself to do that anyway. 

once again sorry for not updating for a while and I'll see you all In the next story I write or whenever the next chapter shows up bye, everyone  :)

The Theif That Stole The Pharaohs Heart Atem X Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now