chapter 11 | hospital.

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A/N: I might start a new story, but I want to finish this book first. 🙃

You should listen to
"Stay by Blackpink" while reading this :/ 

Warning~ short chapter also may be emotional to some. . .


(This is short asf, I'll definitely make the next one long.)

Jungkook's POV:

I was outside on the campus walking to class with Namjoon, "So how's you and Jimin?" Namjoon asked.

"We're doing great! I mean we always have little arguments then and there, but it's so funny when Jimin gets mad and starts pouting." I smiled at the thought of Jimin popping up in my mind.

"How's you and Seokjin anyway?" I asked him

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"How's you and Seokjin anyway?" I asked him.

"We're alright I guess." He shrugged, "Hey, have you talked to Lisa since the party?" He immediately stopped in his track.

"she's called and texted me a lot, but I've been ignoring her, I- i think I still have feelings for her. But I do too for Seokjin." I went over and hugged him, "it's okay, you just need to see who makes you feel like a better person. Who you really like." He nodded.

Afterwards we broke of the hug, and we're now outside the building of the college.

When suddenly the doors flew open, it was Taehyung, Yoongi and Nayeon. And a lot of people following
behind them, Tae had someone on his back but I couldn't figure it out who it was.

"Thank god, Jungkook you're here." Nayeon shouted. "What happened?" I asked, she gulped.

"It's j- jimin, someone stabbed him. . ."

"We need to get him to the nearest ho-" I immediately turned and ran to Tae and Yoongi, and Nayeon was right. It was Jimin on his back, I couldn't figure him out because he had blood all over him. "Jungkook!" Both of the two yelled, "help us get Jimin to the hospital!"


We were in the car driving to the hospital, Yoongi was driving with tae by his side crying. I sat at the back with Jimin, his head laying on my laps. I kept mumbling stuff like,
'Jimin, come back.' and 'please don't leave.'

I put my hand on his chest and his heart was beating very, very slow. "Jiminie~" I creased his cheek, I started to feel my eyes get watery, "We're here let's go!!" Yoongi yelled quickly exiting the car, I got out the car and picked Jimin in a bridal style and ran into the hospital. I knew I had a lot of blood on me at this moment but I didn't care.

I ran into the hospital like a crazy person and started yelling with Jimin in my arms.

"Someone help me!! I need a doctor please!" A nurse that was sitting down quickly got up from her chair and ran over to me, she checked Jimin's pulse.


In no time a bunch of doctors came and took Jimin to the ER room, I wanted to go in but the nurse from earlier wouldn't let me in, so I decided to sit down cause I didn't want to make a scene. I didn't like crying and I wouldn't cry this much but.. I really liked Jimin and felt like this happened because of me.

2 hours later..

I was joined by Jimin's parents and my friends. I just sat in the same spot for hours waiting for news from the doctors about Jimin, but nothing.

What if something happened?

He wouldn't leave me right?

I had so many thoughts in my mind, Namjoon came with Seokjin and they both started comforting me, Namjoon was shocked all those years of us being friends I never really cried but there I was crying into his shoulder, I even started to get an headache from crying so much.

After a long time of waiting a doctor finally came through the ER doors, he looked at everyone.

He sighed.

Why is he sighing? Did Jimin not
make it?

"Is Jimin okay!?" Nayeon asked, "p- please t- tell me my baby is okay. . ." Jimin's mom spoke.

"Well yes I have news." The doctor took off his mask.

"Jimin is. . ."

A/N: why I wonder what happened? Woah I cliffhanger lol.

I don't have school for two weeks so I'll update as much as I can, please vote, comment and share :)

Thanks for reading! I love you bye❤️

Thanks for reading! I love you bye❤️

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