Asguard's dillemas

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The trio entered the throne room, in Jolen's opinion, dramatically. The wide doors swung open with a great noise, and down in the center stood three men.

"Volstag! Hogan! Fandral! My friends!" Thor yelled as he wrapped each of the men in a manly hug. "But, where is Lady Sif?"

Fandral gave a disapproving look. "Before the All-Father fell into the Odinsleep, while you and Loki were still on Nifleim, he sent Sif to Earth on some special mission. Undercover." He frowned. "New name and everything. Loki hasn't enough sense in his thick skull to bring her back though."

Thor turned to Loki. "They will all say you've made a great king, eh? What do you know of Sif's mission, Loki?"

"I actually only found out that she was on Earth this morning. So I could not bring her back if I did not know she was gone! I know nothing of her mission!" Loki said defending himself.

Thor waved him off. "No matter my friends! Let us celebrate! Before I must return to Earth!"

Volstag gave Thor a disapproving look. "Why can't you stay in Asguard?" While Thor and Volstag spoke, Fandral eyed Jolen.

"Well hello there, darling. I am Fandral." He said with a sweeping bow.

Jolen was taken aback by his actions. "Uh, Hi, I am.... uh, My name is Jolen."

Fandral smirked. "Child of light! A wondrous name for one so beautiful!"

"Fandral, if you keep flirting with my woman, I shall have you skinned and hung on my wall. Now go back to Thor's party while I get Jolen settled." Loki said with a growl in his voice.

Whoa! Wait a minute! YOUR WOMAN! Uh uh. I don't think so! Your hot and everything but we only met like fifteen minutes ago! She thought in shock. "Your woman?"

Loki turned to her with a smirk. "Yes, my woman. It is the only way to keep him from making advances on you. If I, the king, want you to be kept aside for me to make advances on, then I have to make sure I have no competition!" He then gently place his hand on her arm. "Come, Love. Let us get you settled."
He then led her down numerous hallways and through countless doors before entering upon a, relatively, small room. "This is your room, love." He said with a wink.

"Oh Loki! It's beautiful! Thank you so much!" She said wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek.

He gasped as her lips made contact with his cheek. As she started to pull away he noticed the radiating warmth she had. It was as if he was a statue of ice that started to melt, simply because she entered the room. Why is this happening to me? I only wanted to ensure her safety not fall madly in love!

"If you should need me Jolen, I shall be in the throne room." He said backing out of the room.

Loki had begun walking back down the hallway when he heard someone approach from behind. "It's been a long time, my king."

"Amora. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" He said trying to sound pleasant.

She traced her finger up his arm as she spoke. "I, the Enchantress of Asguard, cordially invite you, our king, to a banquet in your honor. It will be held in my home, every nobility in the nine realms shall be there. Except the stupid humans, They have not the means to come." She said with a flirtatious smirk. "But, of course, the Galvesion, cannot come. Her realm is not friendly."

Loki swallowed hard. Now he had to choose between his heart and his crown.

Asguard we have a problem.

What do you guys think should happen? Should he leave Jolen at the palace and go to the party? Or decline the invitation and do something with Jolen? Comment what you think please. Sorry this chapter is so short. I have writers block.

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