Meeting with a monster

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"Hello Jolen, my name is Loki." He said with a smirk. She returned the smirk, but said nothing. "Are you well? Do you need something?"
She shook her head no and continued to stare at him. I wonder what she is thinking right now. He thought.

Dang, he's good lookin! Maybe if I behave, He'll reward me with a kiss?! That would be amazing! She thought with a smirk.
Loki stalked over to her and leaned over to whisper in her ear. The moment his hot breath made contact with her skin, she felt her heart skip three beats, and then she went cold.

"I know about your powers. And I am the only one who can explain how and why this happened. I know about your past and I can see the secrets hidden in the back of your mind. Yes, those dirty, filthy, thoughts and secrets, I know about them." Was what he whispered.
He smirked as he searched through her thoughts. Oooh naughty girl, finds me attractive and wants me to kiss her. I think I shall grant that desire. "But since you've been behaving so well and for so long, you deserve to be rewarded."
It was also a treat for him, what he was about to do. Ever since he entered the room and saw the gorgeous woman and her full lips, he wanted to taste them and feel them against his.

He slowly bent over in front of her and gently brushed his lips across hers. She gasped when he made contact, but he continued the tease. Before long he couldn't take it anymore. He pressed his lips firmly against hers and felt her lips trembling underneath him. Her mouth parted slightly, to allow air into her lungs, and he took full advantage of it. He didn't want to stop kissing her but the sounding of an alarm forced him to.

"Whah........ why is the alarm sounding?" She asked, still in shock over the kiss.
He smirked. She was adorable when she was clueless.

"Because I am here. SHIELD does not like me very much. They love Thor though." He muttered the last sentence under his breath.

Jolen gasped again. "I thought you were with SHIELD!"

"I am afraid, darling, you are mistaken. I am the monster, from deep space, that tried to take over New York.
I am Loki, of Asguard, and you, my love, are coming with me." He said grabbing her arm and pulling her along. She let out a small yelp and quickly made her best effort to keep up with him.

"What do you want with me? Where are you taking me? Ow! Let go of my arm! Please slow down!" She yelled as he practically dragged her behind him. Loki rolled his eyes and continued out.

"Heimdall open the Bifrost!" He shouted to the night sky.

The clouds began to churn and lights slowly began their descent into the atmosphere.

"Loki wait!" He knew that voice.

He turned to face the mammoth blonde. "Well if it isn't Thor. Come to lock me up again............. Brother?" He sneered, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Jolen didn't know who to look at. The man holding her arm or the blonde Goliath of a man standing a few feet away.

"Loki, I watched you die. Speared through the abdomen by the Currssed. You had sacrificed your life to save mine. An act not easily forgotten, brother. I am relieved to see you alive and well. But why are you taking a human to Asguard?" He asked him.

Loki scoffed. "If you really want to know, come back to Asguard. But I am busy at the moment and must return to my kingdom."

The Bifrost closed in around them and retreated back into the sky. But not before Thor managed to step in and go along with them. Jolen clung to Loki as the ground seperated from her feet. As she saw the stars passing by at lightning fast speeds, she heard the faint sound of Loki's heart beating. It sounded distant and cold. As if physically surrounded by layers and layers of ice. However she found it soothing.
Moments later they arrived in Asguard.
Jolen saw a brute of a man standing at attention, carrying a large broadsword.

"Welcome back, My King." He said in a deep bellowing voice. "Thor. Milady." He said nodding to Loki's companions.

Loki nodded his acknowledgment and turned to Jolen. "Come, darling." When she didn't move a muscle, Loki picked her up and carried her bridal style out of the Bifrost. He walked up to a waiting horse and set Jolen down in the saddle. He mounted the steed in front of her and gasped at the contact of her wrapping her arms around his waist. Her hands rested on his lower abdomen and she rested the remainder of her slender frame against his back. He felt himself begin to sweat. He didn't understand why she made him feel this way. His breath became heavy at the sound of her voice, and his brow began to sweat at her touch. At the very sight of her he became excited. Thor marched up to the horse before Loki could have it leave.

"Brother, wait!" He shouted grabbing the reigns from Loki. "I am coming as well."

Loki smirked. "Well, you will have to fly then. There is absolutely no room for you on this horse.
See you at the palace, Brother." Then with a flick of his wrists, the horse took off, down the Bifrost bridge and into the streets of Asguard.

"Well that was kind of rude!" She shouted as they rode. "Why were you so rude to him?"

Loki smiled and let out a small chuckle. "Thor and I have a history, We don't nessecarily get along with one another." He answered. As the words left his mouth, Thor flew over them and landed at the base of the palace.

"Brother! You ride extremely slow today! My wife rides faster than you!" He taunted from the palace steps.

Loki smirked. I love it when he taunts me. He has no idea what sort of battle he is getting himself into. "I am slow, Brother, because I also have a lady in the saddle of whom I do not wish to fall off."

Thor scoffed. "Whatever, let us go inside. I wish to see my friends and father before I must return." Loki took a hard swallow and followed Thor into the palace. "How is our father, Loki? Is he well? I have not seen him since you were speared on Nifleim." Thor asked as they walked.

"Father has fallen into the Odinsleep. That why I have taken the role as king. You can ask anyone, even if not in my presence, and they will say that I have made a good king thus far." He said swallowing hard. "I am sorry brother."

Thor stopped walking and grabbed Loki by the shoulders. This was a relief to Jolen, for she had been having trouble keeping up with the two. "Brother, I never doubted you would make a great king. Just not of Earth. They cannot and will not be ruled. You have seen this with your own eyes. But, Asguard? Yes, I believe you should make a great king. Once the people regained their trust in you." He smirked but it soon faded. "Why were you made king and not Baldr?"

Loki had been smirking but it turned to a grimace at the mention of their little brother's name. "Baldr is not yet of age. I have been of age for a hundred years. Baldr is only fifty, Thor! That on Earth is the equivalent of twelve years old!"

Jolen who had been listening the whole time finally spoke with a question. "Well, if fifty is the equivalent of twelve..... Then how old are you and what is that equivalent to?"

Loki and Thor, who apparently just remembered she was there, turned to face her. Loki then answered her. "On Earth I would be the equivalent of a twenty seven year old. You need not know how many years I actually am."
She rolled her eyes, but luckily for her neither of the two brothers saw it. "Come, Thor. Your friends still wait for us."

Of Fire and Ice- Loki Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now