The beginning of the end

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I'm again sorry but this is a short chapter.... I really want to write the next one and I can't do that if I can't finish this one. Again I'm really sorry about the length of this one. -Jasmine

"You're pregnant?" The news was taking time to sink in.

Jolen nodded. "Yes. I am pregnant."

Loki didn't know whether to be sick or to be elated!

Jolen was worried. She couldn't read his expression. "So? Are you happy? I know this is a lot to deal with now....."

"I'm elated." He picked her up so her legs wrapped around his waist. "Do you know the gender yet?"

She shook her head. "No.... It's too soon to tell. We should know in the next four weeks or so."

He let out, what she assumed to be, a happy noise and swung her around. "Darling. Do you know what this means?"

She shook her head no, because she wasn't quite sure.

"This means:" he began to explain. "Not only am I going to be the uncle of Thor's child.... I'm going to be a father as well!"

She smiled at his excited expression. "In my opinion." She leaned down from her heightened position to kiss him firmly. "You are going to be the best father in all the nine realms."

He smiled and set her down. "I have to go tell Thor and father."

She watched him rush out and she quickly plopped down in her chair again. "What have I gotten myself into?" Her friends on Earth had probably forgotten about her by now. Not that she had many friends. Things moved so quickly between her and Loki that she didn't have time to stop and think. She didn't even know when she actually started having feelings for him. She just did! She remembered Amora's banquet. She was his hostage that he was parading around. But by the end of the party.... She knew that she loved him. When he proposed, all she could think of saying was yes. But now here she sat. As a Wife. Soon-to-be mother. Princess. None of the things she could ever had imagined for herself this soon in her life. Maybe it was the pregnancy messing with her hormones, but all she wanted to do now was cry. Cry for the life she lost. Not that it was a very good one, but it was one that she was familiar with. "I wanna go home."

Little did she know that someone was trying desperately to make that wish come true.

A week later:

"Jolen! Darling! Lady Valkerie is here to see you!" Loki called from his bedroom doorway to his wife, snuggled up in a mound of blankets on their bed.
He motioned for the Valkarie to enter and went back to his wife's side. "Jolen... My flame... It's time to get up."

She pushed out her bottom lip but did as her husband asked of her. "What is it Loki?" Her voice was groggy, but all Loki could focus on was the bumb that protruded from her stomach.

He smiled as he thought of the life growing inside of that bump. "Lady Valkarie is here to see you."

"Of course she is because I haven't had a chance to make myself look presentable!" Jolen whined in her half-asleep state.

Loki looked at the Valkarie warrior to apologise for his wife's sleepy behaviour and noticed the warrioress giggling.

"Well if it makes any difference, Lady Jolen, I think you look just fine."

She perked up at the new voice. "Oh! You've already come in! I'm sorry.... I just never seem to get enough sleep any more."

"It is quite alright. How you feel is understandable based upon your condition." The Valkarie smiled upod the young woman. She was scared. With no family of her own. "May I sggest something to help with boredom?"

"How did you? Oh whatever. I give up... Sure! I'll take any suggestions that I can get!"

Loki smiled at his wife that was still adjusting to Asgard's ways.

"I suggest taking a walk through the garden's here at the palace... They are quite beautiful and soothing to an unrested spirit." She gestured to her belly. "And it could help with the thought of carrying another life inside of you."

Jolen nodded and crawled out the bed. She wasn't very far into the pregnancy and she was growing at a rapid pace. She already found herself trying to adjust to the added weight and size in front of her. "I think I'll do just that. Thank you."

The Valkarie nodded and bowed to the couple before taking her leave of the room.

"So if I'm looking for you I should check the gardens?" He asked his wife.

She nodded as she slipped into a maternity gown, heading towards the door. "If not, I'll be back here."

She had little trouble finding the gardens. Jane pointed her in the right direction. Jolen couldn't help but notice the difference in size between her and Jane. They should be about the same length into their pregnancies yet she was a lot bigger than Jane... A LOT bigger. If she was being honest with herself she would voice her concerns to Loki and the Healer. But she didn't want anyone to worry about her.

The first sighting of the gardens took her breath away. Flowers and plants, of the likes she'd never seen, built a jungle of rainbows all around. the gardens were enclosed so even on the ceiling hung vines and other assortments of unknown plant species. But there was one type of flower that held her attention. It was called the Daragon Rose according to the tag lying by it's feet. Along the stem crept ice and crystals... but on the top sat black petals who's tips were ablaze in blue flame.

"The Daragon Rose is from the planet of Jotenheim."

She turned and saw Fandral. The same man who turned her knees to jelly when she first arrived. "Lord Fandral."

"Lady Jolen. Congratulations on the baby."

She smiled. "Thank you. Loki will make a tremendous father."

"I do believe that I have to agree with you."

She turned her face away from the warior and back to the flower. "Daragon Rose? Where did it get it's name?"

Fandral smirked. "Well, Rose implies the type of flower. But Daragon.... In the Joten language it means 'Mixed.' Does that help?"

"Yes." It came out of her mouth as a whisper. Mixed. The rose was the epitome of her marriage to Loki. Total opposites co-existing together in harmony. A beautiful result. The flower was of fire and ice. Just like the child in her stomach. "Thank you Fandral."

"You're welcome Lady Jolen." He began to walk away but turned to tell her one more thing. "By the way. Lady Sif has returned to Asgard. We are holding a feast in her honor. You and your husband are welcome to join the celebration."

"We will be there. Thank you."

He nodded and walked out as she turned back to the rose. Suddenly the garden's temperature began to rise rapidly. She turned and saw the walls having holes being burned in them..... But no ordinary fire could do that. "My! Lady Jolen! How you have grown!" The man that stepped through the hole was older in age. His armor looked like lava rock. His hair was black and his eyes were a dark brown.... that looked black at certain angles.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" She was scared.

The man laughed. "I am Captain Haland of the Galvesyion guard. Here to bring you home."

She scoffed. "I am home. Galvesyion is not where I belong."

"You were not given a choice, princess."

She felt a bag slide over her head and being grabbed roughly from behind. She screamed but it was muffled as a burly hand clamped around her mouth. She felt a tear slide down her face as she was lifted from the ground and carried from the palace. "Loki." She called out to him but no sound left her lips. She was calling him through magic.

And it reached him. He jumped up from his conversation with Thor and took off running. "I'm coming Jolen. Just hold on for me."

Hello again my little SHIELD agents! (And loyal Hydra) I have come to tell you that there will only be one more chapter. Bring your kleanex when I update. That is all I shall say. Thank you for your support! 1.6K reads! You guys are awesome! -Jasmine

Of Fire and Ice- Loki Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now