Babies and weddings

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Loki sat in his study for hours, trying to figure out, how to tell Jolen about Amora being pregnant with his child... He was still trying to figure out how it was possible himself! He had no recollection of sleeping with her... She was just his security blanket when girls would reject him. She would hold him while he poured out his broken heart. While he told her of the ways Odin had favored Thor or Baldr. Maybe in a drunken state he had gone to far? He would never know for sure. A faint knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. "Come in."

Jolen opened the door and the sight of her took his breath away. She had changed from her lavender gown into an Asgardian night dress. Her dark hair flowed across her shoulders and her eyes glowed like sapphires in the darkened room. "Loki? Is everything ok?"

"Yes love. I'm just perplexed... That is all." Her entire attitude towards him had changed since the party. He was beginning to see another side of the fire princess.

She gave him a weak smile. "About the witch's baby? Is that what's confusing you?"

"Jolen!" He backed away lest she try to hit him. "How did you?"

A laughter that filled his heart with warmth, filled the room. "You're not the only one with tricks, oh god of mischief." She approached him without hesitation and wrapped her slender arms around his waist. "If you're wondering how to tell me, or how I'll take it, the answer is..." He sucked in a breath, prepared for her to ask to be taken back to earth. "... I still love you and will love you to the end of time... My god of mischief, lies, and sass."

"You... You're... You're not angry with me?"

"No! I know that you had other relationships before me. I can't hold that against you."

"Who are you and what have you done with my Jolen?" He asked, shocked at her answer.

She smiled at him. "I've come to realize that, though many men have tried to capture my heart through seduction.... Only one has succeeded. And that was you, Loki." She took a deep breath. "Love entails that, no matter what happens to your partner... You still love them. Unconditionally. I've come to realize that, that's how I feel about you. No matter what happens: I will still love you."

Loki could see the genuineness in her eyes. Along with tenderness and compassion towards him. She knew of his past and yet she still wanted to marry him. "I promise to you, Jolen. I will never lie to you again in my lifetime. I swear."

She raised an eyebrow... not sure if she should believe him or not. "Not even if there is a surprise and I ask you what it is? You won't lie to me even then?" Trick question.

He smiled. "Ok maybe I'll lie to you a little bit." He ended his statement with a chuckle. "You already know me so well darling."

She snuggled up to his chest and laughed. "Don't you ever forget that, God of mischief."

"And sass."

The couple laid there laughing for a long while before falling asleep. Neither anticipated what could be coming in the next few months.

Seven months later:

"Loki? Have you seen Salani?" Jolen called from the other room. 

Loki fought the temptation to peek in on his soon-to-be bride. "She was fetching your dress last I saw her."

"I'm coming Lady Jolen!" The young maid called to her. She was carrying a bundle of white but Loki couldn't make out any more than that. A moment later Salani again emerged. "Shoo! Go on! Get out of here! You know it's bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony!" She literally pushed him out of the room with a force, Loki didn't think was possible to give from someone so small. 

Of Fire and Ice- Loki Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now