Trouble in Paradise

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He had to choose between his heart and his crown....

This was going to be an issue.

If he didn't go to the banquet in his honor, he would be ridiculed to no end. Yet, if he let Jolen alone in Asguard, trouble would be sure to find her. He just knew it. "Amora, why can she not come? She is my guest in Asguard. Why can I not bring my guest?" He asked. It was a legitimate question, but she seemed unwilling to answer.

"I'll see you tonight, my king."

By the nines, he hated her.

He marched back down the hall to where his brother's feast was going on.

In all reality, he missed Thor. He missed Thor and Frigga and even Odin a bit. Unfortunately, he still had to deal with Frigga's son Baldr. He did not miss Baldr in the slightest. Not at all.

He opened the door to the room they were feasting in and sat down quietly at the boisterous table.

"So Thor. When do you return to Midguard? I wish you would return, permanently, to Asguard!" Bellowed Volstag, while Fandral giggled like a Midguardian girl.

Loki chuckled. He missed these times. His friends. His life. But the thing he probably missed the most was, feeling. And a certain Galvesyion girl was helping him with that.

Jolen sat on the edge of the massive bed she could now call her own. And that it was indeed, massive. She decided to see what else the room offered and barely opened the closet. Then she did a double-take. The wardrobe was full to the brim with gorgeous gowns and outfits. Some, she could tell, were for riding. Others seemed suited for fighting in. Maybe training. But one gown in particular caught her attention. It was a floor length lavender dress with a chiffon skirt. Jewels and beads adorned the midsection along with a wide fabric belt. The one strap was also made of chiffon. She pulled out the one shoulder strap gown and decided, for the fun of it, she would try it on. She found her washroom and quickly changed. While she admired herself in the gianormous mirror she heard a rap on the door. She opened it to find Loki, obviously drunk, standing there with his mouth agape. "Darling you look marvelous! And truley ravishing. You must wear that to the banquet tonight!"

She jumped back in shock. "What banquet? I'm going to a banquet?"

He stumbled in and sat on her bed. "Yes. There is a banquet being held in my honor tonight. I want you to come with me."

"No! I cannot go to some banquet! I'm not Asguardian! I don't belong at a banquet! Especially a banquet in honor of the king!" She collapsed onto the bed next to him. "I wanna go home."

Loki pressed his lips into a firm line. "You can go to the banquet. You will go to the banquet. And you belong at the banquet. End of discussion. I will not be told what to do. I get what I want and what I want is for you to accompany me to this banquet tonight. Do you understand love?"

She nodded her head yes.

"Good. I shall send in a maid to help you get ready for tonight. You will blow them all away. No questions about it." He smirked. "Now, if you will excuse me. I need to be sober for this banquet. So, I am going to go deal with this hangover now. See you in a bit, love."

Approximately one hour later, Jolen heard a knock on the door. Uggggghh Loki already? She thought as she opened the door. Instead of finding her god of mischief, she found a young girl wearing a plain brown dress, in a curtsy before her.

"Hello Milady. The king has sent me to prepare you for the Enchantress' banquet tonight. May I enter?"

Jolen nodded and showed her to the wardrobe.

"King Loki wants me to wear this dress. Any thoughts?...... I'm sorry I do not know your name."

She smirked. "Milady, my name is of no concern to you. But if you must know, my name is Salani. But I agree with the king. This dress would be most flattering to your figure." She handed it to Jolen. "Will you need help putting it on, Milady?"

Jolen shook her head no. "I'm good, thank you though, Salani. I'll just need help with my hair and whatever makeup you guys use in Asguard."

She changed, but when she returned there was another woman besides Salani in the room. She was extremely tall and had long blonde hair that was intricately braided down her back. She wore interesting armor, in the fact that it didn't cover very much of her. "Excuse me, who are you?" Jolen asked as Salani sat her down to do her hair.

The woman smiled. "I am Valkyrie. A warrioress from Vallhalla. I have come to see the woman from the tenth realm."

"Tenth realm? I'm sorry. I'm still lost on this whole thing. How many realms are there? What's so special about this tenth realm?" Jolen asked while Salani did impossible things with her hair.

Valkyrie smiled. "There had only been nine realms until recently. We have found another.... a tenth realm. Galvesyion. That is where you are from my dear. You are the first of your kind that Asguard has ever seen. That any realm has ever seen, for that matter. Only the king has seen other Galvesyions so that is how we know what you are."

Jolen watched through the mirror trying to figure out if she was full of it or not. "You're just yanking my chain. Right? You're not being serious. You can't be serious!"

"I am sorry, Lady Jolen. But a Valkyrie cannot lie. We would be put to death if we were to do so. But I must go now, you have a banquet to prepare for."

Salani smiled. "For your first day in Asguard, you are doing well. You have already befriended a Valkyrie which is something not many in any realm have the privledge of doing. The king seems to be interested in you, both in curiosity and in attraction. That is something most women would and will envy. Especially Amora, the Enchantress, the one who is throwing the banquet in the king's honor tonight. You are a blessed woman."

Jolen scoffed. "I would think otherwise! I am some sort of alien, I am going to be the 'envy' of some enchantress person, and I've managed to get the attention of a psycho murderer and king who seems to be very hard to please!"

Salani raised her eyebrows. "Well, he is indeed hard to please. But he is a good king. But I do not know what you mean by murderer. King Loki has murdered no one that has not deserved it."

She laughed aloud this time. "You're kidding me, right? You must not have heard about the time Loki, sorry king Loki, attacked Earth. Yeah he tried to forcefully take over and failed miserably. I would say that counts as 'someone who doesn't deserve it!' He used an army to slaughter any who wouldn't bow willingly! That's not the kind of man a woman wants to get the attention of!" She looked up into the mirror only to see Loki standing behind Salani with a pained expression on his face.

"Is that really how you feel about me, darling? Is it? Perhaps I've changed. Prison will do that to a man. But you wouldn't know, because you have yet to come to know me. Yet, you judge and gripe. Maybe I should give you something to gripe about."

Jolen stood and faced him. "No, it didn't come out the way that I had intended it to. Please listen to me, Loki..........."

"THAT WOULD BE KING LOKI TO YOU!" He screamed as she tried to defend herself. He quickly calmed himself and lowered his voice. "Salani, finish with her quickly. We must soon make our leave for the banquet." He then turned to Jolen. "Hurry, love. For you are right, I AM hard to please. Do not disappoint me."

He left and Jolen curled her knees up to her chest. "Why did he have to choose me? What makes me so special?"

Loki stormed down the hall. She is just like the rest! Won't even give me a chance to prove myself worthy! I will prove my worth to her whether or not she likes it. He thought.

There was already trouble in paradise.

I attached a link for the outfit that Jolen is going to wear to the banquet. Let me know what you guys think.

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