Ch. 3 Expectations

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You can never make yourself like something, but others can. And society does this a lot. You can go shopping, see a nice dress but if you don't like it, you won't but it. Now if someone is there to tell you, you look beautiful and sexy, you'll but it because that is what you want. Their approval. Think about it. You're not wearing it because it's you, you wear because society expects you to wear it.

"Please." Clay begged for the one millionth time.

"You want me to audition to be a model, but there is no guarantee that I'll be picked."

"I have to film the event and it would make me feel better if you were there."

"I can go watch the show, I don't necessarily have to be in it." I sipped on my ice tea. "You have a lot on your hands. Don't you?"

"Its not the filming that is hard, it's the editing I have to do. Besides the dress show isn't for another month. The video for class assignment is due in two weeks and I have nothing!" He sighed.

I understood his frustration. That feeling on a Monday morning when you are rushing to finish your homework before you get to class, because you had all weekend to do it but you decided that Orange is the New Black was more interesting. Or when a teacher says the book report is due in a week and you do it the night before it's due. Good thing I was creative...

"So what's the assignment?" I asked.

"Make a one minute psa on any mental illness, or a psa on diversity of the human. Our teacher said we had to be very creative. And there's things we can and can't show."

"Well you should start off by choosing if you want to make a sad depressing video or a cheerful one." I said.

"Uhh, cheerful?" He questioned himself.

"Then make it about diversity. Something that says happy to be any color and any race. I think that's how it works." I said looking back at my report. I had a lot more written then Clay. He kept talking and eating. Half of the pizza was gone and it was because he was eating it all.

"You are very creative, you know that?" He said. "What other skills do you have?"

"I don't know, I can eat a lot... is that a skill?"

"I don't know." He said. He grabbed his pencil and began to write again. "Piggy." He said after a while.


"Your nickname," he said, "I'm going to call you Piggy."

I laughed at the supposed nickname. He couldn't be serious. Out of everything he could come up with, he chose Piggy.

"Okay, any special skills you have?" I asked.

"I'm a geek, I am special." He said with a smile.

"Oh right, my tech weenie friend huh?"

He laughed.  "I've never been called that before. It's usually dork, geek, smartass, egghead, and many other things that are not appropriate for a lady's ears."

"So just how good are you with tech?" I asked grabbing another slice of pizza.

"Last semester I got suspended for a week because I hacked the school's system and changed my math grade to an A."

"Oh my gosh, you hacked the school system! That's awesome."

"Well my mom didn't think so. And my dad made me clean the yard of every house on our block as punishment. My little muscles were sore from mowing grass for days."

His face became a blur and I felt the room move. I shut my eyes and opened them to make the blur go away. But it didn't want to go away, I was very dizzy.

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