Ch. 26 The Light

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Amara's POV

It was weird to see my dad at home. I was kinda worried to see him here. He had not work for 4 days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and today. I was starting to wonder if he had gotten fired.

The good thing is he wasn't as gloomy as he was on Friday. He was talking to me a bit more. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care that he had made my want to kill myself so badly. I just want my dad back. I want it to be like old times. I want to keep being positive.

And with all of that came Amelia. She didn't have any other friend so when Ben told her, he couldn't be with her, she was devastated and came to me. Poor girl got let down and it was sad to see her this way. She was literally on my bed crying a river. It was hard to be positive when I don't know what to do. I didn't know what to tell her. I couldn't just keep her in my room forever, telling her everything would be alright. I couldn't even give her ice cream. I mean, I have some but when she saw it was Ben & Jerri's, she just cried more.

What made me feel bad was that Ben had talked to her last week and I'm barely knowing about this. It made me a bad friend not seeing what was wrong with her. When I was in the hospital she looked sad but I didn't ask. I remember when I talked to her about my mom and she said that I could cry that she would be there for me.

I want to do that for her, but she doesn't do anything but shed tears and hug my cat.

My cat doesn't even want to be here but Amelia wouldn't let her go.

"Hey, maybe we can go out. There are many more boys out there. Like a girls night out or something?" I said.

She nodded and petted my cat.

My phone rang and I didn't want to answer seeing Amelia all sad.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey babe, have you seen Amelia?" Clay asked.

I looked at her. "She's on my bed... crying." It was a weird start to a call from my boyfriend.

"No I'm not." Amelia wiped her face.

"What's wrong?" Clay asked.

"The whole Ben thing. I think she was holding everything in and it just got to her. I'm thinking of a girl's night out. I'll find her a new boy." I said. "Why did you need her?"

"Oh! Yeah, I was calling her but she wouldn't pick up. I thought maybe she was with you."

"Why did you need her? I mean if you don't mind me asking." My boyfriend looking for my friend? Hmm...

"I needed a babysitter. I have a small couple's photoshoot and my parent's aren't home. I'm taking my brother to a baseball game. And Bailey will have to go with me. But nevermind, I'll just take him with me as well."

"Um, well you can bring him to me... I'll take care of him." I said.

"No babe, he's a little fussy today. I don't want him to bother you." He said.

"I can do it. Besides Amelia is here and I'm sure she's not going anywhere right now. You can even leave Bailey here, I don't mind."

He stayed quiet for a bit as if thinking about it. "Alright. I'll pass by in like 10 minutes. Thank you so much, Babe."

"No problem Baby. I'll see you in a bit. Bye." I hung up and looked at Amelia.

She wasn't crying anymore. She looked more annoyed now.

"You know what? I don't even care. Ben can go with Terri. I'm going to find someone else." She muttered.

My jaw almost hit the floor. That's what I've been telling her for the last four hours! Ugh!

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