Ch 18. The End

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I moved my hair to the side and looked at the bald spot. It was heartbreaking to see another bald spot the size of a quarter on the side of my head.

"What are you looking at now?" Uncle Mitch asked as he came back to his desk.

"Look at this. Another one and it's big. I have like five others and it's so annoying having to fix my hair so they won't see it."

"Then don't fix it. If it bothers them, they can look another way." He handed me the pills.


"No buts, just drink you're pills." He said. I got some water and gulped them down.

"Happy?" I put the cups in the trash.

"Yes, now you can leave my office."

I gasped. "You're not being nice today."

"Neither are you. Why are you so grouchy? Did Clay not talk to you this morning?" He asked.

"Clay this, Clay that... I'm talking about me. Me! My hair! It's falling!"

"Amara, it happens. Don't kill yourself for it. Why don't you go hang out with your friends? Stop trying to please others."

"Actually if I leave now, I would be pleasing you."

"Amara..." He let he head fall back as he looked at the ceiling. I guess he wasn't in the mood today.

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving." I stopped at the mirror to fix my hair really quick and check myself out since I had glasses on. I felt weird wearing glasses. Altogether now I can see everything very clearly. It's amazing what glasses can do.

I reached the cafeteria right when the bell rang. This is why I'm always first at the table. I leave my fourth period class a bit early to go take my medication and then come wait for everyone at our table.

With the storm knocking down a big pine tree onto three classrooms, the school was a mess. Mr. Briggs' class was one of them and it puts me in a bad mood that we're classroom hopping. Yesterday my class was stuck having class at the gym! Clay has Mr. Briggs second period, and they ended up using the library. I was so distracted while putting books back on the shelf with Clay starring at me.

"Hey." Terri plopped down on the bench across from me.

"Hey, where have you been?" I asked her.

"Here and there but I'm back. What have you guys been up too?" She asked.

"Not much... we've wonder where you could of been."

"Sorry I haven't been around. Have you seen Ben? I've been calling him for about three days and he hasn't answered."

"He's probably with his girlfriend." I said. Terri needs to leave Ben alone. Ben can't play Amelia or I'll rip his head off.

"He has a girlfriend?" She looked at me.

"Yeah. Didn't you know."

"I didn't. I'm going to go but when you see him tell him I have to talk to him."

"You said you were back- where are you going?!"

She got up and left. It was almost as if she was never here. It's so weird that she doesn't come around much. But now that she did, she's looking for Ben.

To my left a bouquet of yellow roses, appeared. "These are for you."

"I almost didn't remember you without your dogs smelling your ass."

"Why are you so cranky, I'm giving you roses. You're supposed to be happy." He said.

"I don't need flowers, Vincent, I need you to leave me alone. I don't even know you."

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