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Gerard's P.O.V

We went to the mall to get some cloths for Laren,  it !must be weird for Quinn, having a sister\cousin, but she said she was fine.

(Laren's outfits up top.)

She picked out a couple outfits, I asked her if she wanted more but she said no

An okay I just logged on to update and realized there are 85 views we are so close to 100 we can do this!!!

As were coming home I got a text from Mikey.

M- hey Quinns girl friend is here, but quinn is acting suspicious try to see what's wrong with her k?

G- okay love ya bro

I wonder what she is being suspicious about. I mean she is pretty good about not being depressed right now. I heard a buzz on my twitter two hours later at the food court, people were saying I shouldn't have adopted her, that she was a pig. Oh. Fuck

"Lindsey,bandit,Laren we have to go right now."

"What is it daddy?" Laren asked,she called me dad, already she liked me, that's good.

"Um your..sister might of done something very bad."

"What she would never do anything bad daddy, she is a good girl." Bandit said, Laren nodded her head in agreement.

We raced to the car and drove home very quickly, I saw Rivers bike, I went inside and saw River and Quinn watching Coraline

"Hey dad."

"Hi Mr. Gerard." She said as casually as possible,but still obvious she wasn't over the fact I was her girlfriends dad.

"Hey Quinn, hey River." I said. I narrowed my eyes at Quinn.

"Hey Quinn can I talk to you for a moment?" I saw her gulp

"Sure." She chuckled nervously

"Quinn, what did you do?" She hesitated. I gently rolled up her sleeves so I wouldn't hurt her just in case.

It reviled at least 25 cuts, all from today.

"Quinn, I know it's hard being called all those things, but don't pay any attention to it, they are just jealous. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, no joke. You don't have to do this, I'm here for you. Don't let them get to your head. Your an amazing girl, do you hear me? You can't do this, your perfectly imperfect, and there's nothing you can do about it." I heard River enter the room damn it she's been listening, she went over to my daughter and in front of me... Kissed her.

I left the doom and listened in

"Hey Quinn, remember when you asked me why I did it? Well  told you so you have to tell me, what happened babe?" She called her babe, they are so cool!

"Well people are calling me ugly, and fat, I thought they were right. Gerard doesn't deserve me. He deserves someone that isn't suicidal, or anorexic."

"But your not anorexic."

"I used to be, and I'm thinking of relapsing."

"Quinn, you are beautiful, I promise, plus your my hero, like my literal hero, you saved me from years of beating and if it would've went any farther...rape. You are the most awesome person in history, I love you."

Lindsey walked past me and listened in too.

"Hey." She said scratching my head. "Maybe we should give them some privacy."

"Yea." I chuckled nervously.

Quinns POV

I can't believe they thought that stuff about me, dad and River. I love my new family, and my girlfriend.

Hey guys I'm so sorry it was a really short chapter, i will update soon I love all my kill joys byyyyeeee

Adopted by Gerard Way (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now