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"What is it?" I asked. Dad just looked at me and gave me a mad look. He walked off.

"Why Quinn!?" Mikey asked. He looked at me mad too and walked away as well. Caroline gave me an evil smirk, continued crying, and walked off.

I was wondering what they were talking about. I went to see Mikey to ask what was happening.

"Oh don't act stupid Quinn, we know what you did, your dad told me." He said.

"What?! What did dad tell you?" I asked.

"Quinn, your being a sick person right now." He said and walked off.

What did I do? Well if I didn't know what I did, I didn't deserve to live. I got a knife from the kitchen, I saw mom, she didn't say anything, just ignored me. She didn't see me grab the knife.

River didn't know what was going on either, so she went to the store to pick up a guitar amp.

I wrote a goodbye note.
Dear mom, dad, Mikey, ray, frank, river, bandit, and Laren,
I don't know what I did, but if it was bad enough for you guys to think I was a sick person and not love me anymore, I'm better off dead. Love, your little unicorn, lady Q,and babe.

I put it on my bedroom door.

I went into my bathroom and went to the sink (A\N yes, I just went there,) I got out some of my sleeping pills from the medicine cabinet and got in the bathtub. I slowly cut each inch of my lower arm, and right before I got the the vein, I took out all my pills, closed the shower curtain, and took the pills, I quickly cut right next to my vein, right before I fell asleep, hopefully dead. Maybe I was better off dead.

Gerard's POV

Why would Quinn do such a thing? So here is what happened, I was looking for my phone in the middle of the night, and walked into the kitchen, I heard crying, it was Caroline's.

She was lying on the floor, with a giant bruise on her face.

"What happened?!" I asked her.

"Quinn hit me cause I did something to her guitar,and ran out the door. I think I'm gonna pass out." She said and her eyes quickly. closed. I took her to her bed.

I was furious at Quinn, why would she do that?

When I saw her come home, she was acting dumb, so we just went into the living room. She went into her bedroom. She was on there for a while.

Rivers POV.

I went to Quinns bedroom to see if she figured out why they were mad at her, but I saw a note. I read it.

"Oh fuck." I quickly ran into the bathroom and saw her in the bathtub. I quickly picked her up bridal style.

I brought her in the living room, scowling at her dad and uncle, almost yelling and cursing.

"What happened to Quinn?" Asked Mikey, worried.

"MAYBE THIS WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND!" I yelled, threw the note at them, picked Quinn up from the couch that i had put her on, and walked to the car, I put her in the back seat, and drove to the hospital!

Gerard's POV

River came in holding Quinn bridal style, with blood dripping from Quinn's arm.

"What happened to Quinn?" Mikey said, sounding worried.

She screamed and put Quinn on the couch, she cussed us out, I just stood there shocked. She threw a note at me.

"MAYBE THIS WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND!" She ran out the door and drove off.

I read the note. I was shocked, but I got the courage to hand the note to Mikey. Ray and frank read it as well. I found my phone and read an unread message

"I'm staying the night at my friends house." Quinn texted. Why did she lie?

"Get in the car." I said. They nodded and ran to the car. I gave Lindsey the note and told her to watch the kids. She nodded as well. We got to the hospital to see her and River going into a hospital room.

"Shit." I said. What was she talking about on the note? Of course she did it. When we were in the waiting room, I got a text from Caroline.

C- hey Ava, i totally tricked my new dad into thinking my cousin neat the shit out of me.

I was shocked, I texted her back.

G- really? That's awesome!

I texted

G- so you wanted her to die you son of a bitch no good lying prick?

At that point I was sure she had found out.

This. Was. My. Fault. All of it. It was my fault Quinn was going to die, and my fault that I will never see her again. I started crying and crying more that I have ever cried before, Mikey saw it and started crying too. We just stood there, finally, we got called and when I came in River scowled. I dropped to my knees and started saying things to her, maybe my last words to her ever.

"I am so sorry Lady Q! Me and Mikey both are, all the guys are, and so is your mother we didn't mean to do that and we are so sorry we thought that you would do that, please don't leave us, I'm begging you. Please I just want you to talk again. Please please please." I sobbed and held her hand,now we were all crying, and then the nurse came in.

"We need to work on her, please visit tomarow. Don't worry, she is in good hands," she said.

I just cried some more.

River didn't talk too any of us during dinner, just sat there,

"I'm going to bed." She scowled at us.

Caroline was nowhere to be seen, me and the guys were glad too. I heard River crying herself to sleep. I sighed and went to bed with Lindsey as well when Mikey took bandit and Laren to his house.

Adopted by Gerard Way (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now