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Gerard's POV

I really hope Quinn knows that I truly mean what I said. I don't know why she believed all of those people. Gosh I hate people. I went into her bedroom and saw them two asleep on the love seat in her room. I took a picture.

(Not like that you sick bastard lol)

I showed it too Lindsey she was so happy.

"So where do you wanna go for dinner Bandit?" I whispered so they wouldn't wake up.

"Hmm, how about olive garden?"

"What?! I was expecting you to say McDonalds."

"Well I'm a big girl I can eat big people food." I laughed so hard

"Are you okay with that Laren?"

"Yea that's awesome."

"Cool. Hey Bandit do you mind waking up sisi and River?"

"No problem, dad."

Bandits POV

"Hey sisi River wake up its time to go to dinner."

"Okay Bandit, alright. Hey River would you like too join us for dinner?"

"Join. The Way family? No I couldn't intervene."

"River its fine." Sissy said.

"Okay I guess." She said hehe she is funny.

Quinns POV

When we went to Olive Garden, we ordered everything, River only orded 2 things and a drink. It kinda worried me, but I didn't think much of it, maybe she wasn't hungry, we did have a lot of popcorn.

"So River you live with your aunt know?" Awwwe he's trying to be like a normal dad. Haha jk

"Yea, I do its a lot better. I'm so glad to be out of there."

"So Quinn did you have a good day at school?" Mom asked, River looked relived by the change of subject.

"It was fine. What about you Laren how was your first day of school?" I asked.

"It was okay." She sounded sad.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Mom asked.

"Well people were being mean to me cause I was new." She said.

"What where they doing?" I asked worried.

"They were calling me dumb and ugly." God can't 8 years old get it in their heads I mean you're in third grade your not supposed to make fun of a beautiful new girl.

"Well then there the dumb ones. So how are you doing on like grades and stuff?" I asked I didn't expect her to actually have a grade but you never know.

"Well I took a test to test what  kinda student I am or how smart I am or what ever and I got like 95% right I think." She shrugged.

"Well that's fantastic!" Mom said

"Hey I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." River smiled and walked away, I was confused.....not. I knew exactly what she was doing I wasn't going to let her.

"Hey I'll come with you." I announced.

River gulped, I was pissed and mom,dad,Bandit,and Laren looked confused. I walked to the bathroom with Laren and she just looked at me, scared.

"Well, why did you come in here? River." I asked

"I don't feel comfortable." She said

"Well I don't feel like having my girlfriend turn into a walking skeleton." I said, she knew I knew but still tried to convince me.

"I don't know what your talking about." She was not about to give up.

"I'm not dumb, River you're to good for this. Your perfect. Accept it." She looked down, I gave her a hug and a kiss. She started to walk out of the bathroom, and I realized they might be wondering where we were. I waked back and I saw dad raise an eyebrow and smile.

"Dad no you gross fuck!" I laughed. We all burst out laughing, except the little ones they had no idea what we were talking about.

I wasn't going to tell him anything about it, just going to talk about something else.

When we got home I told River she could sleep in my bed for a sleepover. She said that would be fine. When I couldn't sleep, I turned on a show in my room.

It was this old show where this astronaut lands on an island and finds a bottle and he gets a genie who gets in a whole bunch a trouble, its not animated,so it had really bad special effects, but it made me laugh its called " I dream of genie."

Lol its a real show and its really funny I like it.

I finally drifted to sleep.

When I woke up, River was still sound asleep, and so was everyone else In the house

"Might as well go make breakfast."

I put on some music and cooked some eggs,bacon,French toast, and yes......pancakes. I went into dads room, slowly creeped up on him and started slapping him with a pancake.

"Quinn Arabella Way!" He screamed. I laughed. When River came in with a tired look on her face and started laughing her ass off.

"Come eat breakfast lazybones." I told them.

While we were eating breakfast River said she had to go, I kissed her goodbye and she left.

Mom and the little ones went to the store, while me and dad stayed home.

Hey guys so how was this chapter? I love y'all!

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