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Quinn wanted to know why I was mad. Even though I wasn't she was still thinking it was her fault, and she didn't even know what we thought she did!

"Lady Q. Its not your fault. We should've never trusted Caroline." I said.

"Hey dad uncle Mikey?" She asked.

"Yes my little unicorn?" Mikey asked.

"You know that day when Caroline was here and I hit my stomach, well it wasn't the kitchen counter, it was her." She said.

Me and Mikey were pissed at Caroline, why the fuck would she do that? Then, Quinn told me about the real situation, about how at the orphanage, she beat her and called her things.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" I asked, incredulous.

"You wouldn't believe me! I thought you would just think I was jealous or something. But why didn't you pick me up." She started crying. "Do you not care?" She asked. "Because I understand why, I broke our promise. I cut again and-a-nd...." She started sobbing.

"No no no of course I care." Me and Mikey started crying too.

"I'm just a shit parent, I just i-i don't." I started sobbing too, then I told her about everything that was happening. She soon fell asleep.

The guys went home, and River apologized.

"Its okay, I'd be mad too. Actually, i should be the one apologizing. Why don't you go see Quinn." I said.

Quinns POV

"Hey Riv." I said as she walked in the door,

I'd been asleep, when I woke up I got an awesome idea for a song,

"Hey can we go to the tree house. I have an idea for a song. I have no idea how to put it in lyrics, so I want to go somewhere quiet." I said.

"Yea, let's go say hi to your sisters first." She said. "They have been worried about you." she chuckled.

"Yea." I said.

"Hi sis." Laren said.

"Hi sissy!" Bandit said.

"Hi!!" I said smiling, we all went in for a hug.

"I love you sissy! We were really worried!" Bandit said.

"Hi Riv." Bandit and Laren said.

"Hi!" She said hugging them

"We have to go somewhere. We will take you to the park later." I said.

"Hey Quinn, I think they deserve to go somewhere else, maybe........... McDonalds?" River said.

"Yes yes yes please sissy." They said.

"River." I chuckled, putting my face in my hands. "Fine!" I said, tickling the death out of them. We all laughed. We decided we could go to the treehouse after. I ran out with them and Dad and mom saw,

"911 my daughter and her girlfriend are steeling my children!!" Dad screamed. Mom started laughing her ass off

"Where are you going with my children?! Heeelp come back!" Dad said.

"We are taking them to the worst place imaginable.......McDonalds!" I yelled, whilst River and mom where laughing their asses off.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Dad yelled.

I quickly buckled in Bandit, and we drove off.

We all laughed until we got there.

We ordered and went to sit down.

"You guys can go play." I told them

"Okay, so what's your idea?" River asked.

"Well, I had a dream where this girl found out she likes girls, and boys, I don't know, its cliché, and its kinda like Girls\Girls\Boys, but lyrical wise, we could make it super different. What do you think." I asked.

"Same you do, so when do you start it?" She asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could rearrange the tree House so then we could put our instruments there. We could write it there." She said.

"Great idea, we'll move it later." I said.

I kissed her on the cheek.

"Bandit, Laren, come eat your ice cream so we can get going!" I yelled.

"K sis." They said.

We held hands as we went out to the parking lot. Once again, people were staring, and once again, we didn't care, when we got home, dad looked happy, and tried to fake mad.

"Were where you." When he said that, he couldn't keep it in, he started laughing so hard. Mikey came out and ran into the pool, pulling me and River in.

"You took my nieces!" He laughed.

"Owe, dad hurry come here!" I said.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" He asked as he ran to the pool, as soon as he got there I pulled him in and started laughing.

"I can't believe I fell for that!" He said, mom willingly jumped in with jeans and a tee on. She carefully picked up Bandit and put her in the pool, same with Laren.

We all played and splashed each other. We were a real family.

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