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Caroline's POV

I just got adopted by a fucking celebrity! I made it seem like I liked there band, but in reality I didn't know who the fuck they were. I just liked the idea they were rich. My old roommate Quinn got adopted like 7 months ago, I always made her suffer because she was emo, and freaks deserve to suffer. That guy was probably like, a rapist or something. My new dad called a two girls in the living room. Something and River, two little girls named Bandit and Laren started to walk in and say hi, then the other two followed. At first I was like, who is stupid enough to name someone Bandit, Laren,and River?I bet the other ones name was stupid too.

As I saw the two teenage girls come in, I noticed one was none other than the freak, Quinndelin Barron. This was going to be fun.

Quinns POV

I just stood there, shocked. River put out her hand to shake my new cousin, and she just stood there, smiling at me. I could tell
it wasn't a happy smile, she was evil.

"Hi! My name is Caroline!" She said to the little,ones sweetly.

She shakes Rivers hand.

"So Quinn, nice to see you again." You could hear the fakeness in her voice.

"Nice to see you too, Caroline." I said putting my head down, terrified.

The guys looked confused.

"Wait you two know each other?" Mikey asked. I nodded.

"Yes we were old roommates!" She said.

"Oh! That's cool!" I heard dad say. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well we have to get home and pick up some stuff for Caroline, love you bros, love you my little unicorn." Mikey said as he kisses me on the head.

"Bye uncle Mikey." Bandit and Laren said.

"Bye Mikey." I said and hugged him. They got in the car and drove off. I remember all of the things Caroline did to me, she hit me and kicked me and spread rumors about me, she made her boyfriend beat me up, she made my life a living hell.

I ran to my room and started bauling my eyes out, hoping no one would hear me. But I heard dad come in and hug me.

"What's Wrong what is it sweetie?" I heard him ask.

"Nothing, I'm just a little sad, my head hurts." I lied.

"Are you sure?" He said, kissing me on the head.

"Yea." I said.

"Alright, well, dinner is almost done, we are having spaghetti, Bandits orders." He chuckled.

"Okay dad." I said. He smiled.

River came into our room.

"Hey, what's wrong babe?" She asked.

"Okay I wouldn't tell dad, but I'll tell you. Caroline is evil."

"What do you mean?" She asked,

I told her about everything. How she abused me. How she called me emo and freak. River hugged and kissed me. We went downstairs for dinner.

"Hey Quinn, River?" Mom asked. "How are the songs coming?"

"Oh they are going really good." River said, and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Glad to hear it,". She said.

"So bandit, are you exited? Your about to be in 3rd grade!" Dad asked.

"Yea, I'm exited. I'm gonna be in the same school as Laren!" She said.

"Yea! She's gonna be in the same school as her big sis!" Laren said. I chuckled. River smiled at me sweetly. She ate all of her food, thank god.

We went to bed watching Courage The Cowardly Dog.

I got up at about 7:45 and woke up River.

"Come on let's go get some McDonalds breakfast while everyone is asleep." I said.

"K babe, let me get dressed." She said.

We got dressed and I left a note.

Dear dad mom and the little ones,
I went to McDonalds with River to
get some breakfast.
We will bring some stuff back,
don't worry we won't
be gone long I love all of y'all!
P.S we might get Starbucks.

I laughed at the last thing I wrote and we got in the the car, and drove off.

We ate at the park and took a walk.

"Well, let's get back home." I said.

"Okay." We held hands and walked back to the car, people were staring at us with disgust. I just walked on.

"Come on let's go get some coffee." I said, she kissed me and we drove off.

When we got home, Mikey was there.

"Hey, my little unicorn. Caroline wanted to say hi to you, she is in the kitchen." Mikey said.

"Oh okay." I said. I sounded worry free, but I was terrified

"Hi, Caroline." I said.

"Hey Whore." She said,

"Oh could you please tell me the physics of being a whore and a virgin? Really I'd appreciate it. Bitch" I whispered bitch.

"So your sorry excuse for a dad has 4 kids?" She asked.

"No he has three, my girlfriend lives with us." I said. "And your just jealous that when you were a young girl your father didn't take you into the city to see a marching band, he took you to an adoption agency." I said

"What?" She asked

"Exactly." I said.

"Whatever, at least I'm not Queer like you." She said.

"Your insults don't hurt me, but if that's how you want to deal with insecurities, that's fine." Right after I said that, she kicked me in the stomach.

I fell to the floor and started crying.

Dad and Mikey came in

"What's wrong?!" They asked. Before I could open my mouth, Caroline said,

"She hit her stomach on the corner of the kitchen counter really, really hard." She said, faking sadness in her voice.

"Oh my god are you okay?!" River asked and helped me up.

"Yea I'm fine, I just need to walk it off. Come outside with me River." I say. "Dad me and Riv are just going for a drive!" I yelled from the backyard.

"Okay Lady Q!" He yelled back out.

Gerard's POV.

"Okay Lady Q!" I said back

"Oh who's car is she taking? Is that Aunt Lindsey's?" I heard Caroline ask.

"No, it's Quinns." I said. She looked jealous but she is not my daughter, so I couldn't do anything about it.

"So Caroline, you like our band! Whats you favorite song?"

She had a worried look on her face.

"Ummmm all of them?" She said

"What's your favorite album?" I asked.

"Uhhh the last one. What is it called again?" She asked.

"Uhhh Danger Days." I said confused she forgot.

Nope, I wasn't confused, I knew, but a lot of people were desperate, so I was willing to give her a second try,

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