Chapter Nineteen

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•Mare POV•
     I stomp into Farley's room and she sits up in her bed looking bewildered.
     "You woke me up," she says and throws a pillow at me.
     I catch it and throw it back, "Good, I intended to."
     She lays back down and rolls over. "If you're looking for Shade then he's training with the Newbloods."
     "I don't care about where he is. I came to talk to you," I say and sit down on the edge of her bed.
      "Why?" she asks and turns to face me.
     I shrug and say, "Just to talk."
     "That's bullshit and you know it," she says accusingly. "You want to talk about the new Captain. What's his name?"
      "It's Carac, but how did you know?" I ask.
      "I heard about your encounter with him. I also heard that you're absolutely head over heels for him," she says with a laugh.
     "That's not true! That little shit!" I explain and Farley falls into a laughing fit.
     "All these pregnancy hormones are making me crazy," she says when she calms down.
     "Uh, you think?" I say. "When is the baby due?"
     "Any day now. I hope soon," she says.
     "Well I'm sure-" I start to say but I'm interrupted by Farley letting out an ear shattering scream.
     She clutches her pregnant stomach and leans over. "What?! What's going on?!" I asked and run to her side.
     She grabs my arm and digs her nails in but manages to say, "Doctor."
    "Ok hold on," I tell her and run to the door. I throw it open and yell, "Help! Someone help! WHERE IS SHADE?!"
    Shade transports in front of me and asks in a panicked voice, "Are you hurt? What's wrong."
He looks me over to check for wounds but I point behind me and Farley let's out another scream. He pushes me aside and runs to her. He picks her up and I stand out of the way as he runs out of the door and to the hospital wing.
    I follow in shock and Cal rounds the corner just as I do and we run into each other. He grabs me by the shoulder sand holds me where he can look at me. "I heard screaming, are you alright?"
     "I'm fine. It's Farley. I think something's wrong with her baby," I tell him and take his hand as I lead him to the hospital wing.
     When we get there, Shade is sitting with his head in his hands. I put my arms around him and ask, "Are Farley and the baby alright?"
     "No," he says and lifts his head. He's been crying. "The doctor doesn't think our son is going to live. He was just delivered but he isn't doing well."
     "I'm so sorry," I say and lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps me in a hug and we stay there for who know how long.
     Suddenly, the door bursts open and Carac strides in. "You," I say with disgust. "I ought to knock your teeth in."
      "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm here to save your son," he says and looks at Shade.
     "You... what?" Shade asks with a confused look.
     "He's dying, is he not?" Caravan asks and Shade responds with a nod. "Then after dies I can bring him back to life."
     "I don't trust you," I say and narrow my eyes at him. 
     "Fine. I don't have to save the baby. But it will be your fault when he dies," Carac says and turns around to leave.
"Please," Shade begs and grabs his arm, "save my son."
He nods and walks into the room where Farley is. One of the nurses comes out and tells us that the baby is has stopped breathing and allows Shade to go see. Some time later, Carac comes back.
"It is done. The child will live," he says and flashes me a grin before he leaves.
I may hate him, but he did just save Farley and Shade's child. His power is incredible. What he can do could change the war. We may see victory soon.

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