Chapter Thirty-Six

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Mare POV: *three weeks later*
I gasp for breath when Carac finally releases me from his power. For the past three weeks, he has been torturing me for information. His power brings me to the point of almost death but he brings me back before my heart stops completely.
"This can all end if you just tell me where Cal is," Carac taunts.
I finally catch my breath and lean my head back against the stone wall of the cell I'm in. "I'll never tell you where he is."
He sighs and paces the cell. "I really don't enjoy hurting you, Mare."
I give him an unamused laugh. "I'm sure you don't. Go ahead and kill me, Carac. I will not betray Cal."
"I don't know what you hope to gain from all of this. Cal left you to die in the woods and you still refuse to tell me where he is."
"He didn't leave me," I counter. "He left because it's what he had to do."
He smirks. "It's over, Mare. My army will crush whatever forces he manages to gather. A few hours from now, my army will march  for Norta and kill all in their path."
No. I have to warn Cal, but how? So many people are going to die in this war.
"And will you be going with them?" I ask, hoping he leaves so I can escape.
He kneels down in front of me. "Of course. I command the army. But I won't be going alone, my darling. You're going with me."
My heart falls. He knows that if he takes me with him it will distract Cal. I'm simply a pawn in his game of lies.
"Once we take over Norta and all of its people are in chains, I'll execute you right in front of them. They'll watch their little rebellion die and Cal will watch you die."
"Your sick," I spit out. "You are going to lose, Carac. There is an army waiting to bring you down."
        He shows no reaction to my words. Instead, he grabs my arms and yanks me up to my feet. He shoves me ahead of him where two guards are waiting to cuff me. The guards put the cuffs on me and cut off my power. They both take my arms and force me to walk.
      "We're going on a little trip, darling," Carac whispers in my ear.
      I jerk away from him and he smirks at my reaction. He is a rotten snake. I would gladly take Maven over him any day.
      I am led to a platform where a heavily armored vehicle is parked. The guards place me inside and Carac follows. The door slams shut behind us and the engine roars as the vehicle is turned on. I watch out the window as the palace fades into the distance.
"Where are we going?" I ask Carac.
He scoots closer to me on the leather seats. He smiles as he replies, "To war."

•Maven POV•
"War is upon us, King Maven. Will you have us do nothing?" Volo Samos questions as my council of advisors nod along to his words.
We have journeyed to Corvium to oversee and prepare for the attack of the Lakeland's army. From the compound we reside in, I are commanding the troops.
I lean back in my chair and consider my options. I could fight against the Lakeland army that advances towards Norta as we sit here and debate. Or, I could do nothing and let my kingdom be destroyed. The latter option is very appealing. I am tired of ruling Norta. I have nothing to gain from fighting in this war. It would be easier to let the Lakeland attack us and take everything. Giving up my crown is the best option and what I have been wanting for a while now. I have nothing left anymore, so why would I want the crown?
"We will not fight," I tell my council.
They all seem surprised at my answer. Volo is visibly angry and most likely has many opinions he would like to voice. I don't particularly give a damn what he thinks.
"That is not an option. We must and will fight. We cannot avoid this war and we will lose everything if we do not face them on the battlefield!"
I look at Volo and dare him to continue on. "I do not care what you lose, Volo. I am done ruling Norta. All this crown has brought to me is death and loss. It is over."
I reach up with both hands and take the crown off my head. I hold it out in front of me and look at it one last time. I set it on the table in front of me and stand. Norta is on its own. There is nothing left for me to do.
"You cannot just leave!" Volo exclaims.
"I can and I will," I reply and stride towards the door.
Volo grabs my arms and closes the distance between us. He gets in my face and seethes, "You are weak. You are weak like your father and your brother. I want to see you suffer."
My hands burst into flames and my fire nears his face. Before I can burn him, the door to the room bursts open. I turn to see who interrupted this meeting. The person who stands in the doorway causes me stop in my tracks.
Cal, dirty and bruised, stands in front of me. My flames disappear and feelings of happiness and joy and disbelief come over me.
" is this possible? I watched you die," I say, not believing what my eyes are seeing.
"No, brother, I survived," he tells me.
I surge forward and wrap my older brother in a crushing embrace. I cannot help myself and feel tears in my eyes. I don't care what the others see or if they think I am weak. I thought my brother to be dead. I thought I had lost everyone. I never realized how much I missed him until he returned.
"I missed you as well, Maven," Cal says and hugs me back.
"Where have you been all this time?" I ask.
"I was taken to the Lakelands with Mare. Prince Carac kept us there and hid me from the world. Mare and I thought he was our friend, but we were wrong. He betrayed us so we ran. Mare was...she got..." he tells me but trails off when he speaks of Mare. I then look around and notice that Mare is not with him.
"What happened to Mare?" I question, suddenly worried for her safety.
He takes a deep breath and replies, "While we were escaping, Mare was injured. Carac was chasing us and Mare could not continue on. She sacrificed herself so I could come here and gather an army. I don't know if she is alive, but I promised her I would fight."
Gone. Mare is gone. Cal doesn't even know if she is alive and Carac is coming here to fight. I have done horrible things to Mare, and I regret them all, but I love her deep down. I always will.
"Cal, I have ruined your life. I see now the error in my ways and I can only say that I am sorry. I know sorry will never be enough and I know there is no excuse for what I've done. I've hurt you, I've hurt Mare, I've hurt everyone. If I could go back and fix everything, I would. But that's not an option. I—we have to face what is front of us and move on. I will fight with you. I will gather my armies and slaughter Carac and the Lakeland's army," I say, pouring out my heart like I have never done before. Cal seems to regain a little hope, but I know he is still thinking about Mare. I place my hand on his shoulder and continue, "We will save Mare, brother. She is not dead, can you not feel it? There is hope left, and we will not abandon her or Norta. Let us fight until there is nothing more to fight for."
Cal looks at me and I can see the determination in his eyes. He places his hand on my shoulder as well and replies, "Let's go to war."

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