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{BTW this isn't really my original idea...I saw another one shot with this plot to it. I am changing a couple things, but I still hope you enjoy!}

"Need a tutor? Call the senior who wants to help!" You shrugged. "Why not?" You mumbled. You pulled off one of the green pieces of paper that had a phone number of a senior who "wants to help." You figured it couldn't hurt, your grades were bad as it is and all your college professors were angry at you in some way or another. So you took your freshman self and walked to the courtyard passing many upper class men as you sauntered. As you turned into the main section you saw him, the tall, white haired man that you have had a crush on ever since you laid eyes on him. You didn't know his name but his red eyes made you go CRAZY! He glanced at you and you immediately turned your head, "Did he see me!!?" You wondered. You eventually calmed yourself down and walked to the nearest bench. You took out your iPhone 6s and typed in the number. It rung four times before someone picked up, "Hello?" A male voice questioned. "Hi, your number was on the bulletin board saying that you would tutor people so I took a flyer." You sounded really peppy and girly to give the person a good vibe. "Sure! Just tell me what time and which dorm, I'm free tonight." He returned your peppiness in his own voice. "Cool! 6:00 is okay for me! I live in dorm 420 in the the third building. See ya soon!" "Yup!" He hung up. You sat on the bench for a few more minutes. It was 5:45 when you started walking to your dorm and you saw him again, his red eyes looking you up and down and then locking eyes with you and smiling. Your cheeks when tomato red and you looked down at the ground, walking faster. You reached your dorm and fumbled for your keys. It was 6:00 now and the tutor would be there any minute. As you finally got the key in the slot you felt a strong hand on your shoulder. You whipped your head around to see the man. His long white hair back in a ponytail and his mouth fixed in a smile. "Hey" he said. "H-hi." You managed to get out as you trembled under his grasp. "Hey, calm down little lady. I'm only here to tutor you!" He sounded so casual, looking down at you and smiling. He must have been at least six foot, which was ginormous compared to your 5'4 figure. The sound of another door closing snapped you back into reality and you hurriedly opened the door to your room. Your parents were well off and could afford you a single dorm so you didn't have a roommate. So you gestured him in saying, "Please come in." In the least shaky voice possible. He slowly walked in, his black backpack slung over one shoulder. He took a seat on the edge of your bed and you joined him, sitting uncomfortably close. "My name is Zen." He said, sticking his hand out. You took it in your own cautiously saying,"Y/N" and immediately pulling your now sweaty hand away. "So, what do you need help with?" He asked, moving closer. "Uh...well, I'm doing pretty bad in Chemistry." You said trying to move away but instead you ended up falling off of your bed. "Hey, you alright little lady?" "Um...yeah I'm fine." He grabbed your shoulders and stood in front of you, "Really are you ok?" He questioned, sounding genuinely concerned. "Yeah!" You responded with confidence. About two hours passed the two of you studying and practicing and then the time came for him to leave. "Wait, Zen...can you stay for a little longer?" "Uh, sure Y/N what's up?" The two of you sounded almost like friends until you told him what you have been wanting to say for a REALLY long time. "Look Zen I...I really like you and..." He pressed his long, slender pointer finger on your lips and said, "I know and I feel the same...It's to bad that I have to leave this year though.." You were shocked. "He really likes me!" You thought as you felt a hot blush spread across your face. "You know," he started, "I have been wanting to do this for a long time..." And with that he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into a deep, passionate kiss. You were caught off guard but then gave in grabbing a hold on his long ponytail. The kiss lasted a good five minutes but Zen wasn't done.
The rest of the night was heated. You and Zen... You talked after that night, you even started dating. But Zen had to leave. He left the campus and went off to pursue his dreams as an actor. You were all alone. But you managed, finishing college with honors. The morning of your leaving you heard your phone buzz. You walked over to see a text from none other than Zen saying, "Hey little lady, did you eat yet?" You chuckled and answered saying, "Now I will." You received a heart emoji in return and sighed. "I really love that bastard" You thought. Then you continued to pack up all your stuff with the thought of seeing him on your mind.

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