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{ I haven't done much with Jumin have I...well here you are my friends another story about the infamous Jumin Han.}

That night was a night full of mistakes. You barely remember the amount of drinks that you had last night. It was all a blur, but the one thing that stood out in all the haze was the beautiful face that had been with you all throughout that night. When you finally came to your senses you looked over your bare, right shoulder to see that same beautiful face, naked. A hot, red blush had spread across your face as you remembered the happenings of the previous night. You tried, slowly and quietly to get out of the bed and into your clothes. Once clothed you stealthily made your way to the door, until you felt a strong hand on your arm. "Not trying to escape now, are we?" You heard a deep, velvety male voice say to you. "Uh...um" "Now now Kitten, it's alright. Stay, I'll make breakfast." You turned to the man, dressed in only a bed sheet wrapped around his torso, and nodded. You made you way back to the bed and sat wondering what happened in this bed that you don't remember quite yet. Your gaze followed the man as he got into his clothing and headed for the kitchen. "Um...excuse me..." "Jumin." "Ah, well, Jumin, where is the bathroom?" "Over there Kitten." Said Jumin as he pointed to the hall. You gratefully nodded your head at him and made your way to the restroom. Once inside you took off your clothes and examined your body, searching for anything. And, sure enough, there were countless hickeys and scratches on your body. Along with slap marks and finger prints. You, once again, blushed and put your clothes back on. Right before you turned the knob you heard a slight knock at the door and Jumin saying, "Kitten the pancakes are ready." "Ok." You said and left the room to see Jumin standing very close to the door. You let a small sigh escape you and then looked at him. He laughed and proceeded to lead you to the table. You two ate in silence and glanced at each other once or twice. Once you locked eyes with Jumin and then immediately looked down, blushing. He laughed and proceeded to eat. After the meal you thanked him and was about to walk out when he stopped you, yet again. "Wait, I'm sorry Kitten but I never got your name..." "It's Y/N." you said, smiling. "Y/N, beautiful." He then took your hand in his and kissed the top of it. "Good day, my lady. May we meet again." "Of course." You said winking, for you left a little surprise in his bed, your phone number. The door closed softly behind you and within seconds of getting in the elevator you receive a text on your phone saying "Sneaky, aren't you darling?" You giggled and responded with, "What can I say. ;)" You sighed and leaned against the wall of the elevator, "Damn he was fine." You whisper and smile.

{Sorry this was so short I had no idea what to write tbh, but I think it turned out ok. Hope you like it lolol...}

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