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{ Casually writing about Yoosungie. I love this little boy sm...Btw I started listening to Heathers and it is really good, you should listen to it. Well back to MysMes.}

You sat in the back of the huge mess hall( or cafeteria lol idk) at your college, Sky University. You were the only one at your table, which was odd considering there were so many people there. But not many of the people in the room actually liked you. So you sat alone with your earbuds in, listening to a song from Heathers the Musical, Freeze Your Brain. You bobbed your head with the music as you ate your small lunch. You were about to walk away when you felt a strong hand on your shoulder. Flinching, you looked up to see a tall, scary looking man who you knew to be a senior, Georgi Popovich. As a sophomore, you were naturally afraid of seniors like him.
"Hey Y/N, what kind of shit music are you listening to today." "Uh...it doesn't concern you." "Hell yeah it does girl!" He said sitting down next to you, "Lemmie hear or else." You were scared and didn't know what to do. He was pushing you are grabbing you and invading your beloved personal space. A crowd was gathering to see the spectacle. You were about to give up and let the man do what he wanted when you heard a yell from the crowd, "Hey! Let her be!" "What! Who was that!" Georgi said standing up still grabbing on your arm. "I said let her be!" A boy with blonde hair and a blue sweatshirt stepped forward. "What? You want the slut? How are you going to get her from me, punk?" Georgi yelled at the boy. You sat in the chair petrified. You, only being a sophomore, had a mild reputation for being "easy". Many guys over the past year and a half have taken advantage of you and you were to shy and anti-social to object. But all of the sudden there is a boy sticking up for you. "Just let her go Georgi." The boy, still, was arguing with Georgi, a man of a much higher stature. The blonde bot walked right up to Georgi and slugged him right in the face and when Georgi put his hands to his nose the blondie grabbed you and ran. He took you to his dorm and locked the door behind him. You fell as you two entered the room and just tried to grasp on what just happened. "Hey...sorry about that. I felt like you had enough shit go on and someone needed to stop it." He put out his hand for you to grab and you accepted then he pulled you up onto his bed. "By the way, I'm Yoosung." "H-hi I'm Y-Y/N...thanks for that back there, I'm glad you were there." Yoosung smiled and offered you something to eat and some water and you gratefully accepted. You ended up spending the rest of the week with Yoosung and didn't get bothered by anyone. More weeks went by and then suddenly came the end of the year. You were going back to Japan to pursue your dream of becoming a professional ice skater and skate with your brother, Yuuri Katsuki. "Bye Yoosung!" You said, tears running down you cheeks and giving the boy a hug. "Bye Y/N! I'm going to miss you so much!" Yoosung was crying now too.  As you were walking away from the boy you learned to call you best friend you heard a voice call out to you, "Y/N! Wait!" "Yeah Yoosung?" "I have an idea to make sure you never forget me when you become a world class figure skater, marry me!" Yoosung said, kneeling with an open velvet box with a ring inside. You were crying to much to speak so you just nodded your head yes and Yoosung put the ring on your hand. You embraced him and gave him a passionate kiss and said, "I do."

{Sorry for the long wait. And also that this is really bad. I'm really sorry. I hope you enjoy it as much as possible...}

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