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{So basically you got kidnaped and Seven never found you. You were brain washed and now you work for the Mint Eye. BUT there is is something happening between you and Saeran...;)}

*beep beep beep* Your alarm goes off and you turn around in your king sized bed to see your husband, Saeran, lying next to you, sleeping peacefully. "Damn, this is the first thing he has ever done peacefully..." You giggled to yourself and got out of the bed. Suddenly you felt something rising up in your throat and you ran to the bathroom. The vomit you spit up almost missed the toilet but luckily you made it. This was the worst round of morning sickness that you have ever had. Once you finished you turned to see Saeran staring at you. "Um...Y/N?" He looked really concerned and walked up to you, hugging you. Up until then you had hid that you were pregnant from him but today's ordeal was just to violent and loud. "Saeran...I can explain." He let go of you staring into you Y/E/C eyes and you into is mint ones. "Look Saeran...I don't know how to tell you this and I don't know how you are going to react but...I'm pregnant..." The room was silent. Saeran backed up and stared at you, very intensely. "Really..." was all he could get out. You thought he was mad so you looked down to the ground. Hoping, just hoping that he wouldn't beat you. Saeran has had a past with you. You both loved each other very much but he had quite a temper. One night you told him off and you left in the morning with multiple bruises and cuts on you body. Your parents and friends were fairly concerned for you but you told them that you were strong and could get through it. But this, you didn't know how get through this if he didn't accept. But when you looked up, you saw Saeran with the biggest most enthusiastic smile on his face. "Saeran?" You asked but he soon swiped you off of your feet and swung you around! "You're really pregnant!" He grinned. "Yes!" You smiled back and kissed him. Saeran places you down and crouched down so he was eye level with your belly. "Hey little guy! I'm Saeran but you have to call me dad!" He just laughed and smiled. Saeran looked up at you and said, "You just made me the happiest guy on the earth!" You laughed and walked out of the bathroom. You swiftly dressed into the mandatory Mint Eye clothing and turned to the door to leave. "Wait! Y/N!" Saeran called out. "Yeah babe?" You answered, halfway out the door. "I love you!" "Love you too." You responded. You smiled and waved and headed out the door to face another day of typing and tracking the RFA.

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