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{Sooooo I've been watching Yuri!!! On Ice on repeat for a while now and I obsessed with it. So prepare to hear some YOI names...btw this is one of my favorite things that I made up sooooo yeah}

With your long H/C hair tied up in a beautiful bun and a long white gown tapered to your body, you gracefully walked down the isle to meet your soon to be husband. As you walked you passed by many familiar faces cheering you on. Many being men you had met from figure skating. Your best friend Victor Nikiforov cried into his fiancé, Yuri's shoulder as Yuri gave you a thumbs up. Micky and his sister Sara, JJ and his wife, and Chris even came to support you also. As you were two steps from the alter you meet eyes with your hard headed brother, Otabek Altin and his boyfriend Yurio. Those two have supported you through everything and you were so grateful to have a brother and "little brother" like Otabek and Yurio. Who would have thought that this young girl from Kazakhstan would grow up to be the best woman on the ice. In the co-ed tournaments you always placed under Victor but you two took it as all good fun. But the real man of the hour was your fiancé, Saeyoung Choi. His bright red hair slicked back and a big smile plastered on his face. You reached the alter and took his hands in yours. "You look stunning Y/N." he said, squeezing your hands. You let a little giggle escape from your mouth and then continued to smile your beautiful smile. You then looked back at the crowd to see Saeyoung's best friend, Yoosung bawling his eyes out. You laughed and said "Have you seen Yoosung...he's a mess." Saeyoung look over to him and burst out in laughter. Which caused Yoosung to stop crying and give Saeyoung a dirty look. Saeyoung kept cackling and you tried to get him to calm down. "Saeyoung...shut up!" You whispered, lightly slapping his arm and he did what he was told. The wedding ceremony was flawless and better than anything you could have asked for but soon came time for the reception, where you and Saeyoung could really let loose. You both arrived to see everyone enjoying themselves and mingling. Victor ran over to you and embraced you in a hug. "Y/N I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!" He said, still crying. "Um...thanks Vic...have you been crying this whole time." You laughed as he nodded. "Congrats Saeyoung..." Saeyoung's brother, Saeran said. "I-i love you or whatever.." Saeran blandly said, looking at the ground. "OOOOOH SAERAN! I LOVE YOU TOO LITTLE BROTHER!" Saeyoung yelled hugging his brother who immediately pried him off and walked away. Then both you and Saeyoung were bombarded with hugs and congratulations from all of the skaters and the RFA and the rest of your friends and family. You eventually made your way to the long table where you and Saeyoung sat surrounded by the skaters on your side and the RFA members on his. Then, suddenly, Saeyoung stood up and started giving a heartfelt speech, "Thank you friends for meeting with us today on our very special day. I can't thank each and every one of you enough in supporting us and giving us so much love. But there is one very special person that deserves the most thanks, that person is my loving wife, F/N L/N. She is the one and only love of my life and someone who will be with me through everything. I love with all of my heart and soul. Without you, Y/N I honestly don't know where I would have ended up. So thank you for being and amazing women." Your face was drenched in tears and your hands were covering your mouth. Saeyoung sat down and just looked at you, admiring your beauty. You lunged towards the love of your life and threw yourself on him, showering him with kisses and the biggest hug mankind has ever seen. The people around you were clapping and cheering. You got off and sat back in your seat, read faced. After the rest of the speeches were read the dinner had finally began. It was an elegant meal and everyone seemed to be having a great time. The dinner ended and came time for the bride and groom's dance. You were escorted to the dance floor by Saeyoung and then turned to him. You draped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands a little lower than your hips. You the two of you swayed in sync and stared into each other's eyes. The moment was broke by a slight sobbing in the corner. You looked over to see Otabek standing still as a statue with many tears running down his face. Yurio was rubbing his back whispering reassuring things to him but you just laughed. Your brother was always overprotective and hard as a rock. He never showed any emotion and swore to protect you from all men and evils. But here he was at his baby sister's wedding, crying his eyes out. The song soon ended and you hugged your groom. Then you immediately went over to your brother and before you could say anything he pulled you into a hug and cried into your shoulder. All you could do was pat him on the back and laugh. You saw Yurio trying to restrain his laughter, but failed miserably and ended up laughing extremely loud. Otabek looked down at you and said "Мен сені сүйемін, ол бір кездері зақым ешқашан(I love you and this man will never hurt you.)" and you responded with "Мен де сені Бека сүйемін(I love you too Beka.)" and kissed him on the cheek. Otabek then turned to Saeyoung and poked him in then chest,"I swear to god if hurt my baby sister in any way, shape, or form I will have you dead in a second! You hear me!?" Saeyoung gulped and widened his eyes, "Y-yes sir!" He said and put is hand in his head in a salute. Otabek rolled his eyes and said, "You married a wack job." and  proceeded to walk away with Yurio. You both laughed and then went back to talking to people and gathering compliments and congratulations. The party had ended and you and Saeyoung were at home, alone. "Y/N?" "Yeah?" "I love you." "Love you too Saeyoung!" You said kissing him on the cheek. You both then fell asleep, excited for what the rest of your lives would bring you.

{BAM! There ya go. And btw the language that Beka and you are speaking is called Kazakh, just so you know. It is one of the native languages in Kazakhstan. Hope you liked it. And yes I know it has been a while since I have updated but hey you got the good shit this time lolol okie bye!}

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