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{Hoi! Tbh this one might be pretty bad because I'm terrible at writing shit and I think that I want to do something with more emotion but I don't know how to portray that into words...soooo yeah...don't kill me if it sucks}

The silence was killing you. You didn't know exactly what to do. You have been sitting on the couch staring at him for hours. He didn't move, he didn't even flinch when you threw an empty, crushed soda can at him. The only noticeable movement he made, besides typing, was flip you off when you tried to talk to him. So you gave up on communication. But this little game you have been playing has been going on for hours and you were fed up. "Saeyoung..." you whispered, no reaction. "Saeyoung!" This time you screamed at him, you weren't going to end up without a reaction. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" He yelled back. "TO AT LEAST SOME FUCKING FOOD!" You were on the verge of tears. "WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH? JUST LET ME DIE!" Your heart shattered at that statement. "Saeyoung?" You didn't know how to respond. He saw how hurt you were and walked over to you. "Look
Y/N...don't get attached to me. What I'm doing is really dangerous and I really shouldn't be here but..." You looked up from having your head in you hands to see the red haired man sitting in front of you, crying. "Oh! Saeyoung, I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." He shook is head as he moved closer. "Y/N, I know you care so much for me, but I can't let you risk your life for me." "But Saeyoung...I want to." By now Saeyoung was almost on top of you. You couldn't stand this tension anymore and made the first move. You locked lips with the yellow eyed man you love so much. "Y/N, what was that for. I've only been an ass to you and you kiss me?" He was so confused. "Saeyoung...listen, I don't know how we can keep this up but I love you and I wouldn't want to be with anyone but you." Hot tears ran down your face as you looked into is eyes. You smiled as you felt that he finally understood how you feel. He smiled back and hugged you. "Y/N, I love you..." he whispered into your ear. "I love you too." You said and fell asleep in his strong, supportive arms.

{LOLOL that sucked...told you. Tbh I wish I was a good writer so I could write good shit not this butt ugly crap}

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