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{My sister is looking over my shoulder as I am writing this. She thinks I'm on drugs...Tbh Jumin isn't my favorite MM character but he's okish...please don't kill me for saying that LOLOL!:)))) BTW this is going to maybe be sad...}

You yawned and stretched to lie down on the bed in the room you shard with your husband, Jumin Han. Your corporate heir husband had called you and said that he would be late but you hadn't expected him to be four hours later than what he had told you. He has been coming home early lately because you're pregnant, very pregnant. In fact, in two days it would be your due date. So this situation made you feel uneasy but you shook the feeling off thinking that he just had a lot of work to do. As you pulled the cover over your figure, a white blob sped by and landed on your pillow. "Hey Elly." You said as you petted the white cat. She purred at your touch and made you laugh. You heard the door open and immediately hopped out of bed. Grabbing your pink, silk robe you hurried down the stairs. "Jumin!" You called and as you got to the bottom of the stairs you bumped into Jumin's assistant, Jaehee. "Jaehee, hi!" You waved to the female and smiled. "Y/N I, uh...have some bad news..." She looked at you with a concerned look on her face. "What do you mean...Did something happen to Jumin..." You were on the verge of tears, clutching onto Elizabeth III. The cat squirmed out out of your arms and you stood there, empty. "Well, Y/N, Jumin was um...driving the limo home and he well...crashed and is now in the hospital, in critical condition..." The room was dead silent even the tears rolling down your cheeks were silent. "Jaehee, I need to go see him... please take me to him!" You pleaded with the woman standing in front of you. "Y/N I don't think you are in the best condition to go anywhere right now." She said, pointing to your belly. You shook your head and went upstairs, putting on a fresh outfit. As you returned downstairs, you whipped the tears off of your face and grabbed the car keys. "Jaehee, I'm going to the hospital. With or without you." You walked out the door and felt a hand grab your shoulder. "Fine." Jaehee said,"But let me drive." You nodded and handed her the keys. Moments later you arrived at the hospital, running to the front desk. "Ma'am are you ok? Do you need me to page the Delivery Room?" The woman at the front desk asked. "No. I need to see Jumim Han." You said with a straight face, trying to seem composed. "Let me see...Oh yes one, Jumin Han was checked in earlier this evening. He is in room 369." She said, pointing down the hall. At that point Jaehee had caught up to you and was standing also at the desk. "Thank you, have a nice day." Jaehee said and ushered you to the room. "Listen he'll probably look really bad, are you sure you can take this?" She questioned just as you two got to the door. "Yeah." You answered, holding back tears. And with that Jaehee opened the door to reveal Jumin in a hospital gown with bandages, bruises, cuts, and many machines connected to him. You slowly made your way to the chair next to the bed and sat, taking hold of his hand. "Jumin?" Was all you could get out before you burst into tears. As you looked your husband up and down you saw a huge gash running from his forehead to his left cheekbone. You turned to see Jaehee covering her mouth and a tear running down her cheek. You two stood there staring at a beat up Jumin and crying. Then, suddenly, the doctor rushed in. "Um, who are you?" The doctor questioned. "I'm-" "She's Mr.Han's wife and I'm his...sister..." Jaehee cut you off and shuddered at the word "sister". Jaehee knew she had to say something like that to be able to stay in the room with you. "Oh...well could you please step back a bit for me to do my job?" You both nodded and stepped back, Jaehee holding you shoulders from behind. The doctor worked for a few more minutes. You and Jaehee stayed with Jumin for three more days until you had your baby girl, Mi-Joo. On the day you were released from the hospital you took Mi-Joo to go see Jumin. "Babe.." you whispered. Jumin woke up and turned his head to see you standing with the baby. "Y/N...Is this?" "Yeah!" You laughed and sat down in the chair next to him. "Wow..." he said, smiling. He reached out his hand to touch the baby's head and laughed a little. You smiled in return and kissed Jumin on the forehead. "Everything is ok..." You though and brought the baby home.

{There you go...LOLOL it sucked. Sorry for the crapy writing, I'm a terrible writer but I just felt like writing shit. ;)) Okie have fun with this crap}

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