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{ok so...this is like a really intense head cannon that(for some reason) I spent a long time thinking about. The gist is that you were abused by someone and you are dating Saeyoung and like you tell him your story and shit escalates. Tbh I spent a while thinking this shit up so I hope you like it...}

You were walking home from a really nice dinner with your boyfriend, Saeyoung Choi. With your hand in his the two of you reached the door and unlocked it. You stepped in and stretched feeling two strong hands grab your waist. You gasped and turned your head to see Saeyoung smirking. "C'mon babe..." he said picking you up by the waist to bring you the bedroom. Normally you would have laughed and gotten excited but tonight was different. It was on this night, three years ago, that you escaped from your ex-boyfriend and was finally free. Your ex was extremely abusive and controlling. So tonight you weren't ready. Plus you haven't done anything like this with Saeyoung, or with anyone since your ex. Saeyoung placed you on the bed and pulled your arms over your head. He then started to plant kisses all over your neck and collarbone. You started to show that you were extremely uncomfortable with it but he didn't seem to notice. Then suddenly your head was filled with images of your ex when Saeyoung started to use his hand to make his way down your body. "Saeyoung...stop..." you whispered. He didn't hear you and continued with his actions. "STOP! SAEYOUNG PLEASE!" He looked up at you with a puzzled look. "Huh? Isn't this okay?" He was sitting down next to you on the bed now, hand on your shoulder. "No...not now it isn't." You said coldly, looking into his golden eyes. "Y/N...are you okay..." " I'm not. This stuff..." you gestured to the bed, signifying what just happened." I can't...I just can't." "Babe...what's wrong, please tell can trust me." Tears started collecting in your eyes. " ex was like really abusive..." you said looking down staring at your hands. "" He looked scared, obviously knowing what you were going to say. "Um...he r-raped me...a lot... and chained me in a room. Sometimes he didn't feed me and um neglected me..." Saeyoung's face dropped and stared at you, tears also running down his face. "Oh Y/N...I'm so sorry!" He embraced you in the tightest hug you have ever had. You couldn't hold back the tears were constantly streaming down your cheeks. Your big secret was out and now Saeyoung was determined to do something about it. "Hon...what is his name?" He asked, still hugging you. "Saeyoung...even if we wanted to get him in jail we couldn't...he's loaded. Even if he got convicted, he could make bail." You looked into your boyfriend's eyes and dug your head into his chest. "Y/N please, tell me his name." "His name is...J-Jumin Han...." Saeyoung broke away and stared blankly at you. "JUMIN!" He got up and reached for his phone. "Do you know him..." you asked, stunned. "LIKE HELL I DO!" He started furiously typing and then suddenly stopped. "If it was Jumin who...did that to you. Then got you out?" Saeyoung asked sitting back on the bed. "I didn't really get his name but he had blonde hair and was wearing a blue hoodie and-" "Like this!" He said showing you a photo of the boy you were just describing. "Y-yeah..." you said, putting your hands to your mouth. "Ok." Was all he said and then pulled his phone to his ear. It rung three times then someone picked up. "Yoosung, you need to get to my place now." "Huh? What for?" You heard the fragile voice on the other end say. "I'll tell you when you get here. Please come quickly." Saeyoung hung up and sat down next to you. "Babe, was there anyone else involved?" He asked, grabbing a hold of your hand. "There was another man that came when I was with the blonde boy...Rin or Zin, maybe I think his name was. He had really long white hair and was really tall." "Zen..." Was all you heard Saeyoung say and he was off calling again. You knew tonight was going to be crazy and you didn't know how to handle it. Many emotions flashed over you, happiness, anger, sadness... Not knowing what to do you just cried, you cried until you fell asleep. Soon you were woken up by thundering footsteps running up stairs. You looked up to see the blonde in the door way, along with the white haired man. The two of them stared blankly at you until, as if timed, they ran and embraced you tears streaming down their cheeks. "I'm so glad I got to see you again." You said to the boys and smiled. "Why are you smiling?" The tall one asked. "Because, we're going to put a guilty man in jail." You said and hugged them men back knowing that help was on the way.

{ Sorry to all the Jumin fans out there but this is just how this was thought up. I really hope you like it. It took me a while to put this into words and I am really proud if it tbh.}

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